Owen Roizman Raising Hell: Filming the Exorcist The Fear of God: 25 Years of The Exorcist No Subtitles Necessary: Laszlo & Vilmos Visions of Light The Exorcist Locations: Georgetown Then and Now Making the Connection: Untold Stories of The French Connection Wyatt Earp Havana Il était une fois... « Les trois jours du Condor » The Making of 'Network' Cinematographer The Poughkeepsie Shuffle: Tracing 'The French Connection' A Cinematic Life: The Art and Influence of Conrad Hall Shadows of Suspense French kiss The French Connection Network The Addams Family The Electric Horseman Més enllà de l’honor Play It Again, Sam Els tres dies del Còndor Confessions sinceres Wyatt Earp The Stepford Wives L'exorcista Tootsie Madonna: Celebration - The Video Collection Liza with a Z La venjança d'un home anomenat Cavall Assalt al Tren Pelham 1.2.3. The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight The Heartbreak Kid Straight Time Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band The Black Marble Sense malícia La recerca T’estimo fins a la mort Havana Grand Canyon Independence Stop!