
Colonia 2015


El Daniel és un jove alemany que és a Xile col·laborant amb els partidaris del president Salvador Allende. Just quan es retroba amb la Lena, la seva nòvia, esclata el cop d'estat del general Pinochet. La policia militar deté i porta el noi a Colonia Dignidad, un recinte on es practiquen interrogatoris i tortures als dissidents del règim. Amb l'aparença d'organització benèfica, Colonia Dignidad és en realitat una perillosa secta. La Lena s'hi infiltrarà per mirar de rescatar el Daniel.



No 2012



La mort i la donzella

La mort i la donzella 1994


En un país imaginari que acaba de patir una terrible dictadura, viuen Paulina Escobar i el seu marit Gerardo, un prestigiós advocat. Una nit, Gerardo es presenta a casa amb un home, el cotxe del qual ha patit una avaria. Es tracta del doctor Miranda, en qui Paulina creu reconèixer el botxí que la va torturar quan va estar empresonada. Decidida a revelar la veritat, el sotmet a un dur captiveri.


Los 80

Los 80 2008


The story of the Herreras, a middle-class family living in Santiago of Chile. The plot is set between 1982 and 1989, in the military dictatorship, and revolves around historical events during the 80's, especially the economic crisis of 1982 and the 8.0 magnitude earthquake in Santiago.


Los archivos del cardenal

Los archivos del cardenal 2011


Two young people from opposite social and political worlds will fight for a common cause: to clarify intricate and dangerous crimes of human rights violations during Pinochet's millitary dictatorship in Chile.


Invisible Heroes

Invisible Heroes 2019


Invisible Heroes tells the heroic tale of young Finnish diplomats in Chile during 1973’s infamous military coup. Finnish diplomats Tapani Brotherus and Ilkka Jaamala along with Tapani’s wife Lysa Brotherus helped over 2000 left-wing Chileans escape the military junta’s persecution. The Finns acted without official authorization while Swedish ambassador Harald Edelstam was the most visible defendant of human rights with the backing of Sweden’s Prime Minister, Olof Palme.


Sudamerican Rockers

Sudamerican Rockers 2014


Three teens start a band in the late 1970s, this is the beginning of the famous musical group; Los Prisioneros.


Los Prisioneros

Los Prisioneros 2022


Follows the life of the three members of "Los Prisioneros" during key moments of their careers. As they become an iconic band, and still today resonate.


Caravan of Death

Caravan of Death 2013


Carmen spends 40 years of her life seeking for justice after the murder of her husband.


Amar y morir en Chile

Amar y morir en Chile 2012


Political series based on the fight that broke out after the attack against Augusto Pinochet in 1986, when the dictatorship through its repressive apparatuses began to persecute and assassinate left-wing militants with impunity.