Love actually

Love actually 2003


A Londres, poc abans del Nadal, s'entrellacen una sèrie d'històries divertides i commovedores. 'Love Actually' és una manera abreujada de dir 'Love Actually Is All Around' i aquest és precisament l'argument de la pel·lícula: miris on miris, trobaràs l'amor a tot arreu. Tots els personatges, cadascun a la seva manera (un primer ministre, una vella estrella del rock, una assistenta portuguesa que només parla el seu idioma) estan relacionats amb els aspectes més divertits, tristos, ingenus i estúpids de l'amor.


Beekeeper: El protector

Beekeeper: El protector 2024


La brutal campanya de venjança d'Adam Clay adquireix tints nacionals després de revelar-se que és un antic agent d'una poderosa organització clandestina coneguda com a Beekeeper.


Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump 1994


Forrest Gump és un noi amb deficiències mentals no gaire profundes i amb alguna incapacitat motora que, malgrat tot, esdevindrà, entre altres coses, un heroi durant la Guerra del Vietnam. La seva persistència i bondat el portaran a aconseguir una gran fortuna, ser objecte del clam popular i a fer-se amb les més altes esferes socials i polítiques del país. Sempre sense oblidar Jenny, el seu gran amor des que era petit.


Objectiu: Washington D.C.

Objectiu: Washington D.C. 2019


Després d'un atac traïdor, l'agent del Servei Secret Mike Banning és acusat d'intentar assassinar el President Trumbull. Perseguit pels seus propis col·legues i per l'FBI, Banning comença una carrera contrarellotge per netejar-ne el nom.


Objectiu: La Casa Blanca

Objectiu: La Casa Blanca 2013


Mike Baning, agent del servei secret i encarregat de protegir el president dels Estats Units, decideix deixar la feina després de produir-se un accident durant la seva vigilància. No obstant això, aviat el seu nou treball al Departament del Tresor es veurà interromput per un atac a la Casa Blanca.


Assalt al poder

Assalt al poder 2013


John Cale, un policia del capitoli, veu rebutjada la seva petició de formar part del Servei Secret per protegir el President dels Estats Units. Un dia, mentre porta la seva filla a visitar la Casa Blanca, un grup armat assalta l'edifici. Amb el govern de la nació captiu i immers en el caos, Cale mirarà de salvar el President, la seva filla i el país.



Píxels 2015


Uns extraterrestres malinterpreten les imatges de les màquines recreatives com una declaració de guerra, i decideixen atacar la Terra, utilitzant aquests jocs com a models per a l'assalt. El president dels EUA, Will Cooper, recorre al seu gran amic de la infància i campió de les maquinetes dels anys 80, Sam Brenner, qui actualment treballa com a instal·lador de sistemes de «home cinema», per encapçalar un equip d’experts jugadors de la seva època. La missió serà derrotar als extraterrestres i salvar el planeta.


Objectiu: Londres

Objectiu: Londres 2016


En un món governat per la injustícia i el caos, apareix la figura del president dels Estats Units que juntament amb el seu portaveu Trumbull lideraran una lluita interna per les llibertats de tots els americans. Tot i això, es produirà un intent d'enderrocament per part de forces espies per acabar amb el primer ministre anglès. Això podria significar un intent d'eliminar la pau mundial sigui com sigui. Per això el president comptarà amb la inestimable ajuda del seu guardaespatlles. Mike Benning agent secret de l'EL MEU6 liderarà una contenció per intentar acabar amb aquesta revolució. Benning no serà només ja que tornarà a trobar suport de Trumbull, especialitzat en tècniques paramilitars.


Agafa-ho com puguis 2 1/2

Agafa-ho com puguis 2 1/2 1991


L'inefable i maldestre tinent de policia Frank Drebbin ha tornat per salvar la ciutat, aquesta vegada per enfrontar-se als malvats de la indústria energètica. Un important científic, el doctor Mainheimer, és a punt de publicar un informe sobre el subministrament energètic del futur que pinta malament per als propietaris de les indústries del petroli, el carbó i la nuclear. Així que les indústries segresten Mainheimer i el reemplacen per un doble més favorable als seus interessos. Jane, la secretària del doctor, és el vell amor de Drebbin i la seva flama passional tornarà a revifar-se.


xXx: Estat d’emergència

xXx: Estat d’emergència 2005


L'agent de l'Agència de Seguretat Nacional dels Estats Units Augustus Gibbons necessita un nou agent. El seu home perfecte és Darius Stone, un militar molt expert, però desgraciadament en Darius és a la presó. L'Augustus no dubta a muntar una operació de fuga per alliberar en Darius.


Air Force One Down

Air Force One Down 2024


En la seva primera assignació a bord de la Força Aèria One, un agent del Servei Secret rookie s'enfronta a la prova definitiva quan els terroristes segresten l'avió, amb la intenció de descarrilar un acord d'energia fonamental. Amb la vida del President en joc i una crisi global en joc, la seva valentia i les seves habilitats es veuen empeses al límit en una batalla implacable que podria canviar el curs de la història.


Austin Powers: L’espia que em va empaitar

Austin Powers: L’espia que em va empaitar 1999


Austin Powers és un agent secret dels anys 60 que, després de ser congelat, torna a la vida als anys 90. En aquesta nova entrega de les seves aventures, Austin Powers s'enfrontarà amb nous dolents, però haurà de tornar a lluitar amb el Doctor Maligne , el seu màxim enemic. El malvat doctor té un sinistre pla: ha inventat una màquina del temps que li permetrà tornar als anys 60 i destruir el seu arxienemic, que haurà d'unir les forces a una bella agent per derrotar-lo.


Doctor Strangelove

Doctor Strangelove 1964


Convençut que els comunistes estan contaminant a la nació americana, el general Jack D. Ripper, en un accés de bogeria paranoica, ordena un atac aeri nuclear per sorpresa sobre la Unió Soviètica. El seu ajudant, el capità Mandrake, tracta d'esbrinar el codi per detenir el bombardeig. Per solucionar el problema, el president d'EE. UU. es comunica amb Moscou per convèncer al dirigent soviètic de què l'atac és un estúpid error. Mentrestant, l'assessor del president, un antic científic nazi, el Dr. Strangelove, confirma l'existència de la "Màquina del Judici Final", un dispositiu de represàlia soviètic capaç d'acabar amb la humanitat per sempre.


Superagent 86 de pel·lícula

Superagent 86 de pel·lícula 2008


El Superagent 86 és un agent secret maldestre i despistat que pertany a l'agència d'intel·ligència governamental, que lluita contra les forces del mal. Ell i la seva companya inseparable, l'agent 99, s'enfrontaran a uns malvats rivals, l'agència K.A.O.S.


Fuga de Nova York

Fuga de Nova York 1981


És l'any 1997. A causa del creixement de la criminalitat, els Estats Units han convertit la seva gran ciutat de Nova York en una presó de màxima seguretat, on els presos estan tancats de per vida. Un nou presoner i anterior heroi de guerra, Serp Plissken (Kart Russell), és elegit a canvi li tornar-li la seva llibertat, per rescatar el President dels Estats Units (Donald Pleasance) de la presó que és l'illa de Manhattan, després que un terrorista fes caure l'avió del president allà.


The West Wing

The West Wing 1999


The West Wing provides a glimpse into presidential politics in the nation's capital as it tells the stories of the members of a fictional presidential administration. These interesting characters have humor and dedication that touches the heart while the politics that they discuss touch on everyday life.


House of Cards

House of Cards 2013


Set in present day Washington, D.C., House of Cards is the story of Frank Underwood, a ruthless and cunning politician, and his wife Claire who will stop at nothing to conquer everything. This wicked political drama penetrates the shadowy world of greed, sex and corruption in modern D.C.


Designated Survivor

Designated Survivor 2016


Tom Kirkman, a low-level cabinet member is suddenly appointed President of the United States after a catastrophic attack during the State of the Union kills everyone above him in the Presidential line of succession.


Commander in Chief

Commander in Chief 2005


Mackenzie Allen has a lot on her plate -- she has twin teenagers, a 6-year-old at home and an ambitious husband at the office, and she is about to become the first female president of the United States. Before that happens, however; Mackenzie, who serves as vice president, has to decide whether or not to go against the dying wishes of the current president, who has asked her to step down and let someone "more appropriate" fill his shoes in the Oval Office. Not only does the president want her to resign, so does the entire party that elected her in the first place. But when the moment of truth arrives, Mackenzie isn't willing to be a mere footnote in history. Instead of allowing her detractors to keep her down, she decides to trust her instincts and accept the most powerful job in the world.


Jack & Bobby

Jack & Bobby 2004


If "greatness is thrust upon us," as Winston Churchill once said, then it stands to reason that those who are destined for greatness are rarely aware of it. Take Jack and Bobby McCallister for example: two bright young brothers growing up under the watchful eye of their eccentric single mother Grace McCallister. Grace's personality is a force of nature destined to shape both of these young men's lives and secure one a place in the history books - as President of the United States.


1600 Penn

1600 Penn 2012


1600 Penn is an American single camera television comedy series about a dysfunctional family living in the White House.



Graves 2016


Former two-term President Richard Graves embarks on a Don Quixote-like quest to right the wrongs of his administration and reclaim his legacy 25 years after leaving the White House. His enlightenment takes place just as his wife Margaret Graves decides it’s finally time for her to pursue her own political ambitions.



Kennedy 1983


Kennedy is a five-hour miniseries written by Reg Gadney and directed by Jim Goddard. The miniseries was produced by Central Independent Television and originally aired in the United States starting on 20 November 1983 around the time of the 20th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination. The TV miniseries was a biography of the 1961-1963 presidency of John F. Kennedy. The mini-series stars Martin Sheen as President John F. Kennedy, John Shea as Robert F. Kennedy, Blair Brown as Jacqueline Kennedy, E.G. Marshall as Joseph P. Kennedy, Vincent Gardenia as J. Edgar Hoover and Kelsey Grammer as Stephen Smith amongst many others. The series was broadcast on NBC, and was also sold to 50 Countries, with 27 of them broadcasting the series simultaneous. The series was nominated for 3 Golden Globes and 4 BAFTA, and won Baftas for Best Drama Series and Best Make Up.


The Lincoln Project

The Lincoln Project 2022


A five-part docu-series following a veteran group of former GOP operatives and strategists known publicly as the Lincoln Project. The fastest-growing super PAC in America takes on the task of “saving democracy” and defeating their own party’s sitting president, Donald Trump. While working to accomplish their stated goal of “defeating Trumpism,” the group is shaken by internal upheaval, a sexual harassment scandal, and a tidal wave of negative press.


That's My Bush!

That's My Bush! 2001


That's My Bush! is an American comedy television series that aired on Comedy Central from April 4 to May 23, 2001. Created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone, best known for also creating South Park, the series centers on the fictitious personal life of President George W. Bush, as played by Timothy Bottoms. Carrie Quinn Dolin played Laura Bush, and Kurt Fuller played Karl Rove. Despite the political overtones, the show itself was actually a broad lampoon of American sitcoms, including lame jokes, a laugh track, and stock characters such as klutzy bimbo secretary Princess, know-it-all maid Maggie, and supposedly helpful "wacky" next-door neighbor Larry.


JFK: Destiny Betrayed

JFK: Destiny Betrayed 2021


Thirty years after the release of his film JFK (1991), filmmaker Oliver Stone reviews recently declassified evidence related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, which took place in Dallas on November 22, 1963.



Grant 2020


This documentary-series examines Grant's life story using his perspective and experiences to explore a turbulent time in history: the Civil War and Reconstruction.


The Roosevelts: An Intimate History

The Roosevelts: An Intimate History 2014


Chronicles the lives of Theodore, Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt, three members of the most prominent and influential family in American politics. It is the first time in a major documentary television series that their individual stories have been interwoven into a single narrative. This seven-part, fourteen hour film follows the Roosevelts for more than a century, from Theodore’s birth in 1858 to Eleanor’s death in 1962.


JFK: One Day in America

JFK: One Day in America 2023


On the 22nd of November 1963, the President of the United States of America, John F. Kennedy, was assassinated. For the 60th anniversary, this series takes us into the day almost in real-time. Across three episodes, what unfolds is a presidential assassination, a full-scale manhunt, a murder of a policeman, and the killing of the assassin. Giving insight into the multiple perspectives of a day in a brand-new way that will cut through the clutter and appeal to audiences around the world.


Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson 1997


The complex life of Thomas Jefferson, who wrote that "all men are created equal" yet owned slaves, is recounted by master filmmaker Ken Burns in this probing documentary. Covering Jefferson's diplomatic work in France, his two presidential terms, his retirement at Monticello and more.



Lincoln 1988


"Lincoln" was a 1988 American television mini-series starring Sam Waterston as Abraham Lincoln, Mary Tyler Moore as Mary Todd Lincoln, and Richard Mulligan as William H. Seward. It was directed by Lamont Johnson and was based on Gore Vidal’s novel. It covers the time period running from Lincoln’s election as President of the United States to the time of his assassination. When released for home entertainment, the title was changed to "Gore Vidal's Lincoln" Lamont Johnson won an Emmy for directing Lincoln. The film was shot almost entirely in Richmond, Virginia and it cost $8 million to produce.


The Clinton Affair

The Clinton Affair 2018


Exploring broader topics including media, feminism, politics and power, the documentary unfolds and traces the twisted, intertwined series of events that led to the impeachment trial that set the nation on the path towards a more staunchly partisan political system. The series features arresting archival footage as well as comprehensive interviews with the people closest to the events including a timely, in-depth reflection on the topic with Monica Lewinsky.


Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln 2022


The true story of America's iconic 16th president as told by weaving together both scripted dramatizations of important moments in his life and commentary by authoritative historians and public figures.


The President Show

The President Show 2017


President Trump is bypassing the crooked media by hosting a late-night show direct from the Oval Office. No unfair questions from reporters, no awkward photo ops with German ladies, and no bedtimes. The weekly series will have the best guests, the “hottest women,” and only the nicest of questions.



Nancy 1970


Nancy is an American sitcom that aired on NBC during the 1970-1971 television season. The series stars Renne Jarrett in the title role.