L’home llop

L’home llop 2010


La infantesa de Lawrence Talbot va quedar marcada per la traumàtica mort del seu pare. Lawrence va marxar del seu poble i va trigar molts anys a recuperar-se de la pèrdua. Un dia, la promesa del seu germà va a buscar-lo perquè l'ajudi. El seu germà ha desaparegut misteriosament. Lawrence torna a casa i s'assabenta que hi ha hagut tot un seguit de morts brutals. La llegenda del lloc parla d'homes llop...


Conte de Nadal

Conte de Nadal 2009


Ebenezer Scrooge és un personatge malhumorat i rondinaire que tracta amb menyspreu i males maneres el seu fidel empleat Bob Cratchit i el seu alegre nebot. Però, quan l'esperit del Nadal passat, present i futur l'arrossega a un viatge durant el qual descobreix veritats que sempre s'ha negat a veure, el cor del vell avar s'il·lumina i s'adona que ha d'actuar immediatament per contrarestar tants anys d'egoisme i rancúnia. Adaptació del clàssic de Charles Dickens.


Enola Holmes

Enola Holmes 2020


Mentre busca la seva mare desapareguda, l'intrèpida adolescent Enola Holmes utilitza les seves habilitats de detectiu per superar el seu germà gran Sherlock i ajudar a un lord fugitiu.


Enola Holmes 2

Enola Holmes 2 2022


Després de l'èxit del seu primer cas, Enola Holmes segueix els passos del seu popular germà, Sherlock, obrint la seva pròpia agència, descobrint que la vida com a dona detectiu a sou no és tan fàcil com sembla. Resignada a acceptar la realitat com a adulta. A punt de tancar el negoci quan una jove cerillera sense diners li ofereix a l'Enola el seu primer treball oficial: trobar la seva germana desapareguda.


Bàsil, el ratolí detectiu

Bàsil, el ratolí detectiu 1986


Història basada en els llibres de literatura infantil "Basil of Baker Street", que al seu torn s'inspiren en Sherlock Holmes.


Scrooge: Conte de Nadal

Scrooge: Conte de Nadal 2022


La vigília de Nadal, l'egoista i avar Ebenezer Scrooge té una única i freda nit per afrontar el seu passat (i canviar el futur) abans que sigui tard.


Llum de gas

Llum de gas 1944


A l'Anglaterra victoriana, una bella dona (Ingrid Bergman) es casa amb un famós pianista (Charles Boyer). La felicitat desapareix quan a la casa, on anys enrere es va cometre un assassinat, la dona comença a sentir sorolls estranys i inexplicables; mentrestant, el seu marit la turmenta fins a fer-la creure que s'està tornant boja.


La màquina del temps

La màquina del temps 1960


Un científic aconsegueix construir una màquina per a viatjar pel temps. En un dels seus experiments arriba a un futur llunyà en el que la humanitat està dividida en dues races antagòniques.



Oliver 1968


Al segle XIX, Oliver Twist (Mark Lester), un pobre nen anglès, escapa d'un orfenat i arriba a Londres a la recerca de fortuna. Allí és reclutat per un trinxeraire anomenat Fagin (Ron Moody), cap d'una banda de joves lladregots que roben als transeünts. Adaptació en format musical de la famosa obra de Dickens.


L’home que va inventar el Nadal

L’home que va inventar el Nadal 2017


Aprofitant l'èxit de la novel·la "Oliver Twist", Charles Dickens es va embarcar en una gira pels Estats Units. Admiradors d'arreu del país organitzaven gales per rebre'l. Al cap de setze mesos i tres fracassos literaris, Dickens estava endeutat fins al coll, i, sense el suport de cap editor, es va veure obligat a escriure i publicar-se ell mateix "Cançó de Nadal", una obra que canviaria per sempre la imatge del Nadal i donaria sentit i forma a l'esperit nadalenc tal com el coneixem ara. L'escriptura de "Cançó de Nadal" va obligar Dickens a afrontar els seus propis fantasmes del passat, del present i del futur, un procés que va plasmar d'una manera magistral en el personatge del senyor Scrooge.


El gran robatori del tren

El gran robatori del tren 1978


Pierce és un expert lladre de mitjans de segle XIX i convenç dos companys per robar 25.000 lliures en or d'un tren en marxa. Tot i això, abans de poder acostar-se al botí, la banda criminal haurà d'aconseguir aconseguir quatre claus que quatre persones diferents tenen en la seva possessió.


Lady Macbeth

Lady Macbeth 2016


La protagonista de la pel·lícula se sent atrapada en un matrimoni de conveniència amb un home més gran, que aviat demostra que no sent cap afecte ni desig per ella, de qui només espera que dugui una vida contemplativa i algun dia sigui una bona mare.


Murdoch Mysteries

Murdoch Mysteries 2008


A Victorian-era Toronto detective uses then-cutting edge forensic techniques to solve crimes, with the assistance of a female coroner who is also struggling for recognition in the face of tradition, based on the books by Maureen Jennings.


Black Butler

Black Butler 2008


In Victorian London, 12-year-old business magnate Ciel Phantomhive thwarts dangers to the queen as he's watched over by his demon butler, Sebastian.


Ripper Street

Ripper Street 2012


A drama set in the East End of London in 1889, during the aftermath of the "Ripper" murders. The action centres around the notorious H Division – the police precinct from hell – which is charged with keeping order in the chaotic streets of Whitechapel. Ripper Street explores the lives of characters trying to recover from the Ripper's legacy, from crimes that have not only irretrievably altered their lives, but the very fabric of their city. At the drama's heart our detectives try to bring a little light into the dark world they inhabit.


Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes 1984


Sherlock Holmes uses his abilities to take on cases by private clients and those that the Scotland Yard are unable to solve, along with his friend Dr. Watson.


Emma: A Victorian Romance

Emma: A Victorian Romance 2005


In 19th-century London, class lines are sharply drawn, and the social standing to which people are born dictates the path their lives will follow. Emma, an honest and hardworking young maid, never felt her place in life to be a burden. But then she met William, a member of the gentry and the eldest son of a wealthy family. His warm smile and earnest affection threaten to capture her heart... but can love truly conquer all?


Penny Dreadful

Penny Dreadful 2014


Some of literature's most terrifying characters, including Dr. Frankenstein, Dorian Gray, and iconic figures from the novel Dracula are lurking in the darkest corners of Victorian London. Penny Dreadful is a frightening psychological thriller that weaves together these classic horror origin stories into a new adult drama.


The Nevers

The Nevers 2021


In the last years of Victoria's reign, London is beset by the "Touched": people — mostly women — who suddenly manifest abnormal abilities, some charming, some very disturbing. Among them are Amalia True, a mysterious, quick-fisted widow, and Penance Adair, a brilliant young inventor. They are the champions of this new underclass, making a home for the Touched, while fighting the forces of… well, pretty much all the forces — to make room for those whom history as we know it has no place.



Gosick 2011


Set in a fictional European country in 1924, a Japanese exchange student meets a mysterious, brilliant girl who only leaves the library to sleep. Her brother, a detective, relies on her exceptional mind to solve difficult mysteries.


Masterpiece Mystery

Masterpiece Mystery 1980


Mystery! is an episodic television series that debuted in 1980 in the USA. It airs on PBS and is produced by WGBH. The show has brought a large number of detective series and television movies—most of them British productions from the BBC or the ITV companies and usually adapted from mystery fiction literary sources—to air on American television. In 2002, they added an American-produced series based on the novels of Tony Hillerman to their roster.



Dracula 2013


It's the late 19th century, and the mysterious Dracula has arrived in London, posing as an American entrepreneur who wants to bring modern science to Victorian society. He's especially interested in the new technology of electricity, which promises to brighten the night - useful for someone who avoids the sun. But he has another reason for his travels: he hopes to take revenge on those who cursed him with immortality centuries earlier. Everything seems to be going according to plan... until he becomes infatuated with a woman who appears to be a reincarnation of his dead wife.



Dickensian 2015


Dickensian intertwines the realm of fictional characters in Charles Dickens’ novels—including Scrooge, Fagin and Miss Havisham—in half-hour episodes, as their lives intertwine in 19th century London. The Old Curiosity Shop sits next door to The Three Cripples Pub, while Fagin’s Den is hidden down a murky alley off a bustling Victorian street.


The Essex Serpent

The Essex Serpent 2022


London widow Cora Seaborne moves to Essex to investigate reports of a mythical serpent. She forms an unlikely bond with the village vicar, but when tragedy strikes, locals accuse her of attracting the creature.


Great Expectations

Great Expectations 2011


The life of an orphan is changed by the providential intervention of a mysterious benefactor.


Oliver Twist

Oliver Twist 2007


Oliver is born into poverty and misfortune - the son of an unmarried mother, who dies shortly after his birth. He is soon delivered to the workhouse, where the cruel Mr. Bumble oversees children tormented by starvation and suffering. When Oliver dares to ask for more gruel, he finds himself cast out and forced to make his own way in the world...


The Irregulars

The Irregulars 2021


In Victorian London, a gang of troubled street teens are manipulated into solving crimes for the sinister Doctor Watson and his mysterious business partner, the elusive Sherlock Holmes. As the crimes take on a horrifying supernatural edge and a dark power emerges, it'll be up to the Irregulars to come together to save not only London but the entire world.


Hetty Feather

Hetty Feather 2015


In Victorian London, feisty heroine Hetty Feather is trapped in the Foundling Hospital, the strict institution ruled over by the formidable Matron Bottomley. Aided by friends and thwarted by enemies, Hetty battles to win her freedom and finally find her real mother. Based on the book by Jacqueline Wilson.


The Edwardians

The Edwardians 1972


It was a time when England was a nation on the cusp of change, an evolving landscape tht lay between Victorian England and the First World War. 'The Edwardians' explores the lives of and events in the lives of many who helped define the era, the "Belle Epoque".


The Crimson Petal and the White

The Crimson Petal and the White 2011


Follow Sugar into the underbelly of Victorian London seething with vitality, sexuality, ambition and emotion.


The Living and the Dead

The Living and the Dead 2016


Somerset 1894. When a pioneering Victorian psychologist brings his vivacious young wife to live on his family's estate, he is confronted by one disturbing case after another. Are these strange events linked merely by coincidence, or is there something more sinister - more supernatural - going on at Shepzoy?


Tipping the Velvet

Tipping the Velvet 2002


A tempestuous tale of love and life as a naïve girl discovers both romance and pain in the hidden, decadent world of bohemian London in the 1890s. Nan Astley embarks on a voyage of emotional and sexual discovery with Kitty Butler, a music hall male impersonator.