El regne del cel

El regne del cel 2005


El segle XII, en plena època de les Croades, el cavaller Godfrey d'Ibelin, compromès amb el manteniment de la pau a Terra Santa, emprèn la recerca de Balian, el seu fill il·legítim. Balian, que viu a França i treballa de ferrer, acaba de perdre la dona i el fill. Com que no té res a perdre, s'uneix a la missió del seu pare i marxa a Jerusalem. Un cop allà i després que Godfrey mor, Balian hereta la seva terra i el títol de cavaller i esdevindrà un heroi.


La gran malaltia de l’amor

La gran malaltia de l’amor 2017


Explica la història real de Kumail i Emily, una parella que es coneix en un espectacle de comèdia. Quan semblava que tot anava a quedar-se en una trobada d'una nit, la seva relació comença a avançar malgrat les diferències culturals.


Un profeta

Un profeta 2009


El jove Malik El Djebena, francès d'origen àrab, ingressa a la presó per complir una pena de sis anys. Encara que al principi la vida a la presó li resulta molt dura perquè està sol, s'adapta ràpidament i, gràcies al seu carisma, es guanya a poc a poc la simpatia dels membres de la màfia corsa, que tenen subornats a els guàrdies i controlen tot el que passa a la presó.


Four Lions

Four Lions 2010


Quatre musulmans que viuen a Gran Bretanya prenen la decisió de convertir-se en terroristes. Omar i Waj decideixen viatjar a Pakistan per assistir a un camp d'ensinistrament per a kamikazes, mentre que en Barry i en Fessal es dediquen a ensinistrar corbs perquè transportin bombes a través de les finestres dels edificis.


Malcolm X

Malcolm X 1992


Malcolm Little (1925–1965) va néixer a Omaha (Nebraska). El seu pare, ministre baptista, va morir sent ell nen, i la seva mare va acabar en un psiquiàtric quan el Ku Klux Klan va incendiar casa seva. Després de ser rebutjat per l'exèrcit, va caure a la delinqüència i va anar a parar a la presó. Allí es va convertir a l'Islam i va canviar radicalment la seva vida, aviat es va convertir en un carismàtic líder del moviment d'alliberament de la comunitat negra nord-americana.


Mahoma, el missatger de Déu

Mahoma, el missatger de Déu 1976


Segle VII. Fèrriament determinat a acabar amb les injustícies dels líders de la Meca, Mohammad, que afirma haver tingut una visió de l'àngel Gabriel, els persuadeix perquè abandonin l'adoració dels 300 ídols de Kaaba a favor d'un de sol. A més de desoir els seus precs, les reunions de Mohammad i els seus partidaris són respostos amb persecucions i cruels tortures. La seva expulsió de la Meca desencadena la set de justícia fins que Mohammad accedeix a prendre les armes i lluitar per instaurar el monoteisme.



Gandhi 1982


Després de defensar els drets dels ciutadans africans a Sud-àfrica, Gandhi, considerant que també els hindús són ciutadans de segona classe a la seva pròpia terra, els incita a revoltar-se contra l'Imperi Britànic mitjançant la doctrina de la no-violència.



Hala 2019




wtFOCK 2018


The story of Dutch speaking young teenagers and pupils in a high school in Antwerp, and their troubles, scandals and everyday life. Each season is told from a different person's point of view.


Jodha & Akbar

Jodha & Akbar 2013


Jodha Akbar is an epic drama about a sixteenth century story of the political marriage of convenience between a Mughal emperor Abu'l-Fath Jalal ud-din Muhammad Akbar and a Rajput princess Jodha Bai. The show focuses on how their political marriage brings love between them to an extent that it changed the fate of India. This period drama also portrays the wars of that time along with the relations between the Mughals and the Rajputs. The drama also focuses on the functioning of the queens, the courts, courtesans, the ministers and their influence on the love story of Jalal ud-din Muhammad Akbar and Jodha Bai. The show also highlights on how Mughal emperor Jalal ud-din Muhammad acquires the title of Akbar from the people.


Sleeper Cell

Sleeper Cell 2005


A chilling and unflinching look at all sides of a complicated issue, focusing on an African-American Muslim who joins an Islamic sleeper terrorist cell in the United States while working undercover for the FBI.



SKAM 2015


The story of young teenagers and pupils from Hartvig Nissens upper secondary school in Oslo, and their troubles, scandals and everyday life. Each season is told from a different person's point of view.


The Night Of

The Night Of 2016


After a night of partying with a female stranger, a man wakes up to find her stabbed to death and is charged with her murder.


Little Mosque on the Prairie

Little Mosque on the Prairie 2007


The series focuses on the Muslim community in the fictional prairie town of Mercy, Saskatchewan (population 14,000).


We Are Lady Parts

We Are Lady Parts 2021


An anarchic, laugh-out-loud music comedy following a Muslim female punk band called Lady Parts, tracking the highs and lows of the band members as seen through the eyes of Amina Hussein — a geeky doctorate student who is recruited to be their unlikely lead guitarist.


Hope Street

Hope Street 2021


The arrival of DC Leila Hussain sets tongues wagging – what brings this big city girl to a sleepy Northern Irish seaside town? Warm-hearted detective drama in a stunning setting.



Ethos 2020


A group of unique characters from dramatically different socio-cultural backgrounds meet in startling circumstances in the vibrant and colorful city of Istanbul, some by chance and some by force of will.


The Mokhtar Narrative

The Mokhtar Narrative 2010


The Mokhtar Narrative is an Epic/History television series directed by Davood Mirbagheri, based on the life of Al-Mokhtar. Over 140 actors were cast in it. Mokhtar Saqafi was a Shiite Muslim leader who sets up a rebellion movement in 686 A.D in the town of Kufa to avenge the martyrdom of Hussain (grandson of Islamic Prophet Muhammad).


Citizen Khan

Citizen Khan 2012


Family-based sitcom set in the capital of British Pakistan - Sparkhill, Birmingham. Citizen Khan follows the trials and tribulations of loud-mouthed, tight-fisted, self-appointed community leader Mr Khan and his long suffering family, wife Mrs Khan and daughters Shazia and Alia.


Aliens in America

Aliens in America 2007


Justin Tolchuk is a sensitive, lanky 16-year-old just trying to make it through the social nightmare of high school in Medora, Wisconsin. When his well-meaning mom Franny signs up for the school's international exchange student program, she pictures an athletic, brilliant Nordic teen who will bestow instant coolness on her outsider son. However, when the Tolchuk's exchange student arrives, he turns out to be Raja Musharaff, a 16-year-old Pakistani Muslim. It's going to be a very interesting year for Raja, Justin, his family and the entire population of Medora.


Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali 2021


Muhammad Ali brings to life the iconic heavyweight boxing champion who became an inspiration to people everywhere.


Man Like Mobeen

Man Like Mobeen 2017


Man Like Mobeen is a four-part series that welcomes you into the life of Mobeen Deen, a 28 year-old from Small Heath in Birmingham. All Mobeen wants to do is follow his faith, lead a good life, and make sure his younger sister fulfils her potential. But can he juggle these when his criminal past and reputation is always chasing him?


Imam Ali

Imam Ali 1997


series focusing on the life of Ali ibn Abi Talib, directed by Davood Mirbagheri and originally broadcast in 1992 in 22 episodes. It was subsequently released on DVD, with other editions including one with English sub-titles, and one dubbed into Urdu. The series covers the events before the caliphate of Ali ibn Abi Talib to his assassination in Kufa, Iraq.


Jews and Muslims: Intimate Strangers

Jews and Muslims: Intimate Strangers 2013


This journey through time retraces fourteen centuries of a rich shared history between Jews and Muslims. A story of great historical rigor, without concessions or bias, driven by fluid and inspired realization.



Countrymen 2021


Four men with dubious plans move to a farm in the countryside. More or less against their will, they end up as the founders of Norway's first halal dairy farm.



Britz 2007


Two British-born Muslim siblings are drawn in radically different directions after 9/11.