El cigne negre

El cigne negre 2010


La Nina, una ballarina d'una companyia de ballet novaiorquesa, viu completament entregada a la dansa. La pressió de la seva mare, la rivalitat amb una companya i les exigències del director van augmentant a mesura que s'acosta l'estrena del ballet que protagonitza, "El llac dels Cignes", en què ha d'interpretar els papers de Cigne Blanc i Cigne Negre. Finalment, pateix una crisi que li fa confondre la fantasia amb la realitat.


Què esperar quan s'està esperant

Què esperar quan s'està esperant 2012


Adaptació del llibre més popular sobre embaràs. Quatre parelles estan a punt de conèixer les emocions, els temors i els maldecaps que suposa ser pares.



Footloose 1984


Explica la història d'un noi que arriba a un poble on el fonamentalista Shaw Moore ha prohibit el ball. El jove, que a més de rebel és un entusiasta de la música, intentarà per tots els mitjans posar fi a aquesta prohibició, mentre s'enamora de la filla de Moore.



Stoker 2013


Quan India Stoker (Mia Wasikowska), una adolescent una mica excèntrica, perd el seu estimat pare (Dermot Mulroney) en un tràgic accident de cotxe el dia del seu 18è aniversari, la seva tranquil·la existència a l'apartada mansió familiar es fa miques de cop. Amb una sensibilitat exquisida, l'Índia mostra un comportament impassible que emmascara els sentiments profunds i els sentits aguts que només el seu pare comprenia. L'Índia es veu arrossegada cap al germà perdut del seu pare, Charlie (Matthew Goode), que apareix per sorpresa al funeral i decideix quedar-se amb ella i la seva inestable mare, Evie (Nicole Kidman). Encara que l'Índia al principi desconfia del seu encantador i misteriós oncle, aviat descobreix que el fascina i s'adona de quant tenen en comú... Debut als Estats Units del director coreà Park Chan-wook (Old Boy).


Els sexeaddictes

Els sexeaddictes 2004


Una dona nerviosa i reprimida de mitjana edat es converteix en una addicta sexual després de rebre un cop al cap, i s'integra en una subcultura subterrània d'addictes sexuals de Baltimore.



Footloose 2011


Remake de la pel·lícula homònima que narra la història d'un poble on es prohibeix ballar rock&roll als joves. El motiu està relacionat amb una tragèdia ocorreguda alguns anys abans. A aquest poble arriba un noi apassionat pel ball, que farà que els joves del lloc es rebel·lin contra aquesta situació i reivindiquin el dret a gaudir de la vida.


9 Bullets

9 Bullets 2022


Una ballarina de burlesque ha de fugir per salvar un veí la vida del qual està amenaçada per la seva ex amant.


El sexe dels àngels

El sexe dels àngels 2012


La Carla i el Bruno són una parella d'universitaris. Són joves i intel·ligents i creuen que ho saben tot sobre l'amor, són tolerants i oberts. No obstant això apareixerà a les seves vides un element que tot ho pertorbarà: Rai, un kamikaze dels sentiments capaç de nedar a qualsevol riba, que desafia els convencionalismes i proclama una llibertat sexual que Carla i Bruno ni tan sols s'haurien plantejat mai. Així, a ritme de funky de carrer i de break dance, tots tres iniciaran una relació més enllà dels tabús en què aprendran molt més d'ells mateixos del que puguin imaginar.


La comtessa descalça

La comtessa descalça 1954


Durant un funeral plujós diversos personatges recorden com varen conèixer la finada i l'impacte que els va causar. Tot va començar quan un adinerat productor independent, un veterà director i un ambiciós agent de premsa buscaven una cara nova per protagonitzar la seva pròxima pel·lícula. Es van traslladar des de Hollywood fins a Madrid per contractar la ballarina espanyola María Vargas. Al principi, la María no s'hi mostrava gaire disposada, però després de conversar amb el director va acceptar la proposta. Allò va ser el punt de partida d'una fulgurant i profitosa carrera per a tots ells.


The Next Step

The Next Step 2013


Follow the lives of an elite group of young dancers who train at The Next Step Studio.


Battle Fever J

Battle Fever J 1979


Five agents stand against the evil organization Egos. They fight incorporating dance moves from all around the world! This was the first time giant robots appeared on the Sentai series.


Memories of Love

Memories of Love 2018


A young couple finds their love rekindled after being separated for ten years. Lu Fei, a seemingly perfect Prince Charming unexpectedly encounters the stubborn and rebellious young lady Xin Chen. Despite their clashing personalities, they find themselves drawn to one another and eventually fall in love. However, they later separate, and it is not until ten years later, when Lu Fei lets go of his newly burgeoning company overseas and returns to search for Xin Chen, that they rediscover the meaning of their love.


My Big Fat Fabulous Life

My Big Fat Fabulous Life 2015


Dancing her way through the haters, Whitney Way Thore is embracing her body in a world that judges people by their size. She navigates both career challenges and relationship snafus with her vivacious personality, a sense of humor and an abundance of courage. This series follows Whitney who was diagnosed with an endocrine system disorder called polyscystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) which caused her, a slender dancer at the time, to gain more than 200 pounds in one year at college. Feeling trapped in a big body, she struggled with self-doubt and negative stereotypes. Now 380 pounds and eager to continue sharing her passion for dance, Whitney has learned to embrace her body and love herself again.


Flesh and Bone

Flesh and Bone 2015


Claire, a talented but emotionally troubled dancer, joins a company in New York City, and soon finds herself immersed in the tough and often cutthroat world of professional ballet. The dark and gritty series will unflinchingly explore the dysfunction and glamour of the ballet world.


Born To Dance

Born To Dance 2021


It is a documentary competitive reality show focused on dance students in university which will center on the casting rules in dance industry. Apart from dance competition, the reality show will also create a competitive atmosphere just like in real society to select talented star dancers.


It was sudden, like a storm...

It was sudden, like a storm... 2004


Kozue Ogawa is a housewife and has been married to Hideo for seven years. They don't have any children, but as they live with her parents at their flower shop, every day is still lively. She is happy with her life and her husband, but she wonders if it is enough. From time to time, she is gripped by this doubt that she cannot raise with anyone. Kozue starts a part-time job in the editing department of the magazine where she used to work. Her former colleague is now working hard as the editor-in-chief. One rainy day, Kozue meets a young man. He is Takuma Fukazawa, a high school student. He seems somehow shrouded in sadness. He is a dance teacher. In the dance studio, there is just the two of them. Takuma curls his hands around Kozue's body, and his dance instruction begins. Their unexpected closeness causes Kozue to hesitate. With her heart pounding, she pushes Takuma's hands away and runs home. But the throbbing in her chest continues. It can't be. But what is this feeling?


You Make Me Dance

You Make Me Dance 2021


Song Shi On is an aspiring contemporary dancer who has recently been thrown out of the house by his family, while Jin Hong Seok gave up on his dream to dance and now lives off his investments as a mortgage collector. These two wind up sharing a place and the action unfolds from there.


Ma Boy

Ma Boy 2012


Jang Geu Rim (Kim So Hyun) is a student at an arts high school who dreams of becoming a pop singer. At school she gets a new roommate, Irene (Sun Woong) who’s actually a boy. Irene’s persona is a pretty Female CF star and his actual name is Hyun Woo.



DanceLife 2007


DanceLife was a 2007 dance-oriented United States TV reality show, featuring and produced by Jennifer Lopez. The series follows the lives of seven dancers trying to break into the world of professional dance and trying to "make it" in Hollywood. DanceLife premiered on January 15, 2007, and concluded its first season on March 5, 2007. The show has had guest appearances from Ashlee Simpson, Nelly Furtado, Mary J. Blige, Omarion, The Pussycat Dolls and Ashley Roberts. The theme song is "Find A New Way" by Young Love.


Beating Again

Beating Again 2024


A story about dance and following dreams. Dindaen is a former dance teacher who is now working in social development. Nai is a young dancer who sees him as a hero, and Focus is a confident young woman whose love of dancing led her to become an idol.


Heure de pointes

Heure de pointes 2008


Geneviève Guérard takes viewers inside the lives of five dancers and choreographers on the cutting edge of their profession.


The Prancing Elites Project

The Prancing Elites Project 2015


Oxygen Media dances to the beat of its own drum with the uplifting, inspiring and amusing new docu-series The Prancing Elites Project. This African American, gay and non-gender conforming dance team comprised of Adrian Clemons, Kentrell Collins, Kareem Davis, Jerel Maddox, and Timothy Smith is challenging societal norms while overcoming several obstacles with passion and humor on their journey to be their authentic selves. The series delves into the personal lives of these five best friends in Mobile, Alabama as they fight to be accepted in the female dominated dance culture of J-Setting.


Louie Spence's Showbusiness

Louie Spence's Showbusiness 2011


Following the smash hit success of Pineapple Dance Studios, Louie Spence's Showbusiness is a documentary to get tongues wagging and toes tapping.


Fred Astaire

Fred Astaire 1980


Fred Astaire is a two-part documentary on the career of Fred Astaire.


Team White

Team White 2019


A behind the scene view of the day to day life of siblings Alexandre and Catherine Leblanc, winners of the first season of Révolution.