Com ensinistrar un drac

Com ensinistrar un drac 2010


Ambientada en el mític món dels rudes víkings i els dracs salvatges, i basada en el llibre infantil de Cressida Cowell, aquesta comèdia d'acció narra la història de Singlot, un víking adolescent que no encaixa exactament en l'antiquíssima reputació de la seva tribu com a caçadors de dracs. El món de Singlot, es regirà en trobar un drac que el desafii a ell i als seus companys víkings per veure el món des d'un punt de vista totalment diferent.


Com ensinistrar un drac 2

Com ensinistrar un drac 2 2014


L'Astrid i la resta de la colla ha aconseguit que l'illa prengui contacte amb un nou esport: les curses de dracs. Explorant nous mons, el viatge els porta a descobrir una cova de gel que resulta ser la llar de centenars de nous dracs salvatges.


Com ensinistrar un drac 3

Com ensinistrar un drac 3 2019


El que es va iniciar com una inesperada amistat entre un jove viking i un temible drac, s’ha convertit en una trilogia èpica. En aquest nou episodi descobriran el seu veritable destí: la llibertat.


L’home del nord

L’home del nord 2022


El príncep Amleth està a punt d'esdevenir home però, en aquell moment, el seu oncle assassina brutalment el seu pare i segresta la mare del nen. Dues dècades després, Amleth és un víking que té la missió de salvar la seva mare.



Outlander 2008


Una nau espacial s'estrella en un planeta. L'únic supervivent és Kainan (Jim Caviezel), un guerrer que ha portat amb ell a Moorwen, una monstruosa criatura decidida a venjar la mort de la seva raça. Quan Kainan surt de la seva nau disposat a destruir a la bèstia, es dóna compte que ha aterrat a la Terra en plena època dels víkings.


Dracs: El regal de la fúria nocturna

Dracs: El regal de la fúria nocturna 2011


A l'illa del Fred, els vikings conviuen amb els dracs, que són uns membres més de la família. Cada any, a l'hivern, persones i dracs celebren la festa de la Petonada. Aquest any, però, tots els dracs se'n van del poble de cop i volta, i ningú sap per què. L'únic que es queda és l'Esdentegat, el drac d'en Singlot, que li regala una cua protètica perquè pugui ser lliure i volar sense ell. Finalment, en Singlot descobreix per què han marxat els dracs i també rep un regal de l'Esdentegat.


La llegenda del drac trencaossos

La llegenda del drac trencaossos 2010


La casa d'en Rotpodrit s'incendia i ell està convençut que el foc és obra d'un drac trencaossos, però ni en Toic ni la resta dels habitants de Fred se'l creuen, i fins i tot dubten que existeixin els trencaossos. Enfadat, en Rotpodrit s'embarca per anar-se a venjar del drac, i en Singlot i els genets de dracs decideixen acompanyar-lo per saber si existeixen els trencaossos o tot plegat és un invent d'en Rotpodrit.



Beowulf 2007


Un heroi s'alça, i proclama la fama i el nom. Beowulf! Caçador de dimonis, defensor del regne. Acabarà amb la ferotge bèstia que aguaita les terres dels víkings. Or i regnat seran la seva recompensa. Però la seva ambició el portarà a viure el costat més fosc de la pròpia llegenda.


El manual dels dracs

El manual dels dracs 2011


En Rotpodrit explica a en Singlot, l'Astrid i en Cuadepeix les aventures del seu re-re-rebesavi, Bork l'Intrèpid, alhora que tots plegats repassen les explicacions sobre les diferents classes i races de dracs incloses en el Manual dels dracs, una veritable enciclopèdia que va començar a escriure precisament Bork l'Intrèpid i que les noves generacions tindran la tasca d'ampliar.


El secret del llibre de Kells

El secret del llibre de Kells 2009


Dibuixos animats. Un jove monjo irlandès de 12 anys s’endinsa en un perillós bosc proper a l’abadia, on viurà grans aventures.


Valhalla Rising

Valhalla Rising 2009


Plena Edat Mitjana, al segle X. Un-Ull, un enigmàtic guerrer amb una força sobrehumana, que ha estat esclavitzat durant anys, mata al seu amo i aconsegueix escapar amb l'ajuda d'un nen al qual s'endú amb ell. Després d'enrolar-se en un vaixell víking, tots dos emprenen un viatge que els porta a una terra desconeguda, on regnen el dolor i la sang.



Vikings 2013


The adventures of Ragnar Lothbrok, the greatest hero of his age. The series tells the sagas of Ragnar's band of Viking brothers and his family, as he rises to become King of the Viking tribes. As well as being a fearless warrior, Ragnar embodies the Norse traditions of devotion to the gods. Legend has it that he was a direct descendant of Odin, the god of war and warriors.


The Last Kingdom

The Last Kingdom 2015


A show of heroic deeds and epic battles with a thematic depth that embraces politics, religion, warfare, courage, love, loyalty and our universal search for identity. Combining real historical figures and events with fictional characters, it is the story of how a people combined their strength under one of the most iconic kings of history in order to reclaim their land for themselves and build a place they call home.


Vikings: Valhalla

Vikings: Valhalla 2022


In this sequel to "Vikings," a hundred years have passed and a new generation of legendary heroes arises to forge its own destiny — and make history.


Dragons: Race to the Edge

Dragons: Race to the Edge 2015


Unlock the secrets of the Dragon Eye and come face to face with more dragons than anyone has ever imagined as Hiccup, Toothless and the Dragon Riders soar to the edge of adventure.


DreamWorks Dragons

DreamWorks Dragons 2012


From the creators of "How to Train Your Dragon" comes a new series that takes Hiccup and Toothless to the edge of adventure.


Vinland Saga

Vinland Saga 2019


For a thousand years, the Vikings have made quite a name and reputation for themselves as the strongest families with a thirst for violence. Thorfinn, the son of one of the Vikings' greatest warriors, spends his boyhood in a battlefield enhancing his skills in his adventure to redeem his most-desired revenge after his father was murdered.


Twilight of the Gods

Twilight of the Gods 2024


Zack Snyder unleashes a bold and bloody vision of Norse mythology in this adult animated series about a warrior with an ax to grind against the gods.



Norsemen 2016


Norsemen is an epic and humorous drama series set in the Viking Age. The residents of an 8th-century Viking village experience political rivalry, social change and innovations that upend their culture and way of life.



Beforeigners 2019


In the near future a new phenomenon starts happening all over the world with powerful flashes of light occurring in the ocean and people from the past mysteriously reappearing. Called "beforeigners," these people come from three separate time periods: the Stone Age, the Viking era and late 19th century. A couple of years later, Alfhildr – who comes from the Viking Age – has to partner up with a burned-out police officer, Lars Haaland, to investigate the murder of a beforeigner. The pair begins to unravel a larger conspiracy behind the origin of the mysterious mass arrivals.


Legends of the Lost with Megan Fox

Legends of the Lost with Megan Fox 2018


Actress Megan Fox has peeked behind the curtain of some of these ancient sites, igniting an insatiable curiosity to learn more about these lost worlds. She embarks on an epic international journey to investigate and find answers to these enduring mysteries.


Noggin the Nog

Noggin the Nog 1959


Noggin the Nog is a popular British children's character. Noggin himself is a simple, kind and unassuming King of the Northmen in a roughly Viking-age setting, with various fantastic elements such as dragons, flying machines and talking birds.


Thor & Loki: Blood Brothers

Thor & Loki: Blood Brothers 2011


Inspired by the acclaimed graphic novel from Robert Rodi and Esad Ribic, Marvel Knights Animation's "Thor & Loki: Blood Brothers" takes a powerful look inside the minds of Thor & Loki, brothers in the mythical land of Asgard and seemingly forever enemies. But just why does Loki hate his brother Thor? And could it be that this master of mischief isn’t really the villain he’s been branded? Loki's insatiable lust for power and his feud with Thor take on new meaning in this resonant epic.



Barbarians 2004


Barbarians is a mini-series on The History Channel which tells the story of the most barbaric tribes of the early and late Middle Ages. Two series have currently been produced, each consisting of four episodes. This program tells about what the groups did, who they conquered, and how they fell. Clancy Brown narrated both seasons.


Real Vikings

Real Vikings 2016


The history of the Vikings is explored by "Vikings" star Clive Standen, who joins experts in Europe to learn how the Vikings successfully invaded England and France.


Wild Nordic

Wild Nordic 2019


As seen by the Viking gods, the fabled wildernesses of Norway, Finland and Sweden are revealed from the skies above.


Loggerheads – Björn und die wilden Wikinger

Loggerheads – Björn und die wilden Wikinger 1997


The Loggerheads was an animated cartoon television series by Magma Films. It combined an old viking storylines with dark humour. It lasted only one season and was shown in Germany in 1997, on Britain's Channel Five in 1998 and later on the Pop TV channel, and in Italy TMC2 in 1999. The Story revolved around the Loggerhead chief Bjorn the Red and the rich Gissur the Pale and his family's attempts to contest the post. The opening/ending theme of the Italian version was written by Vito Abbonato and Andrea Ridolfi.


The Mystery of Odin

The Mystery of Odin 2023


Historian Cecilie Nielsen goes on a hunt into a dark and gloomy past - the past of Odin. Perhaps the old god played a far greater role in the birth of Denmark than was previously thought.



Vikings 2012


Vikings is a 2012 BBC television documentary series written and presented by Neil Oliver charting the rise of the Vikings from prehistoric times to the empire of Canute.



Olav 2021
