Paraula clau Manager
天国と地獄 1963
Compliance 2012
Dreamgirls 2006
El frau 2012
El magnat Robert Miller, retrat perfecte de l'èxit tant professional com familiar, apareix sempre acompanyat per la seva esposa fidel i per la seva filla i hereva. Però, en realitat, Miller és amb l'aigua al coll: necessita urgentment vendre tot el seu imperi a un gran banc abans que es descobreixi que ha comès un frau. A més, a l'esquena de la dona i de la filla, té un romanç amb una marxant d'art francesa. Quan està a punt de desfer-se del seu problemàtic imperi, un error inesperat l'obliga a enfrontar-se amb el seu passat i amb la seva doble moral.
Cita a cegues 1987
Walter Davis és un home que només viu per treballar i que, per impressionar els seus socis, convida una dona molt atractiva, Nadia, a un sopar de negocis. La noia ensorra el sopar i la carrera de Walter i encara li crea més problemes perquè té un expromès gelós fins a la bogeria, disposat a eliminar el pobre Walter tan bon punt el veu amb ella. A partir d'aquesta trobada catastròfica resulta difícil pensar que pugui néixer un idil·li entre Walter i Nadia.
Rollerball 2002
Jonathan Cross és tot un personatge americà, el millor jugador de l'esport més vertiginós i extrem de tots els temps: el Rollerball. Al costat dels seus companys Marcus Ridley i Aurora, Jonathan viu una vida plena de fama, diners i luxe. Tot per donar-li als espectadors el que volen: un joc ple d'increïbles emocions, velocitat i acció al límit. Aviat, Jonathan s'adonarà que l'audiència augmenta quan els accidents seriosos es produeixen dins la pista. Els jugadors es convertiran en titelles d'un nou joc on no hi ha regles.
Spice World 1997
El vividor 1961
Eddie Felson és un jove arrogant i amoral que freqüenta amb èxit les sales de billar. Decidit a ser proclamat el millor, busca la Grossa de Minnesota, un llegendari campió de billar. Quan, per fi, aconsegueix enfrontar-s'hi, la seva falta de seguretat el fa fracassar. L'amor d'una dona solitària podria ajudar-lo a abandonar aquesta classe de vida, però Eddie no descansarà fins a vèncer el campió sense importar-li el preu que hagi de pagar per això.
Talk to Me 2007
Still Crazy 1998
Still Waiting... 2009
Out Cold 2001
Manolete 2008
Mifunes sidste sang 1999
Μοντέρνα Σταχτοπούτα 1965
Skateland 2011
My Happy Ending 2023
Seo Jae-won who suffered an unfortunate childhood, becomes an ambitious and driven CEO that chases after success. But when her obsession gets out of hand, she tries to escape from her unhealthy desires but her husband, a designer and college professor, gets swept up in the process.
Your Friends and Neighbors 2025
When a financial titan suddenly finds himself divorced and jobless, he starts robbing his wealthy neighbors to stay afloat. Stealing from his own social circle strangely exhilarates him—but he gradually gets tangled in a deadly web.
God's Favorite Idiot 2022
Clark Thompson, a midlevel tech-support employee, finds love with co-worker Amily Luck at exactly the same time he becomes the unwitting messenger of God. Also, there's rollerskating, a lake of fire and an impending apocalypse.
Dinnerladies 1998
Dinnerladies is a BBC sitcom written by and starring Victoria Wood that chronicles the antics of a group of workers in a canteen in the north of England. Bren tries to maintain a semblance of order in amongst the chaos, while dealing with the canteen supervisor, slightly sex-obsessed cancer sufferer Tony. Dolly and Jean are the bickering menopausal older women, always at odds but best friends beneath it all. Then there's thick-as-two-short-planks Anita, and the terminally uninterested Twinkle, more concerned with having a good time than anything else. Making up the motley crew are military man handyman Stan, all rules and regulations, and ditzy Philippa, who never seems to get anything right.
The Peter Principle 1997
The Peter Principle is a BBC television show about the Aldbridge Branch of the fictional County & Provincial Bank. It originally aired in the late 1990s and is now a part of the PBS program lineup at some PBS stations, which call it The Boss. The program takes its name from the Peter Principle, that In a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence.
Divorce Lawyer in Love 2015
Ko Cheok-Hee worked as a lawyer and she would do anything to win her case. So Jung-Woo was her office manager. He pointed out any mistake made by Ko Cheok-Hee which irked her. Their relationship was rocky at best. Now, they meet again at a law firm, but So Jung-Woo works as a lawyer and Ko Cheok-Hee is the officer manager.
Slinger's Day 1986
Slinger's Day is a British sitcom that aired for two series from 1986 to 1987, made by Thames Television for the ITV network. It was a continuation of Tripper's Day, which had originally come to a natural end after Leonard Rossiter's death, and, despite the overwhelmingly negative response it had drawn from reviewers and a section of the viewing public, was revived this time with Bruce Forsyth as a different character to Rossiter but fulfilling the same role, that of the manager of a London supermarket with largely incompetent staff. Like Tripper's Day, it was created by Brian Cooke, however, in contrast to the previous series, Cooke only wrote two episodes of the twelve episodes, more than half of them being written by Vince Powell with others being written by Alex Shearer and Sorry! creators Ian Davidson and Peter Vincent, and one episode written by the prolific Andrew Marshall and David Renwick. Slinger's Day represented Forsyth's only ever situation comedy acting role, and he remained more associated with stand-up routines and gameshows.