Qui té por de Virginia Woolf?

Qui té por de Virginia Woolf? 1966


George i Martha són un matrimoni que es professa un odi salvatge. Tots dos tenen personalitats autodestructives, coneixen perfectament les debilitats de l'altre i saben com exasperar-ho. George és un professor d'història alcohòlic. Martha, la filla del director de la universitat on George fa classes, és una dona frustrada i vulnerable. Un dissabte a la nit, després d'una festa, conviden a casa seva un nou professor i la seva dona. La presència d'aquesta parella no evita que Martha i George s'humiliïn i es maltractin com de costum. A través d'aquest joc cruel surt a la llum la veritat tant sobre els amfitrions com sobre els convidats.


El discret encant de la burgesia

El discret encant de la burgesia 1972


El senyor Rafael Costa, ambaixador de Miranda, i el matrimoni Thévenot estan convidats a sopar a casa del matrimoni Sénechal, però a causa d'un malentès han d'anar a un restaurant. Quan arriben, no poden sopar perquè el propietari del lloc ha mort. A partir d'aquell moment, les reunions d'aquest selecte grup de burgesos es veuran sempre interrompudes per les circumstàncies més estranyes, algunes de reals i d'altres fruit de la seva imaginació.


Un cadàver per postres

Un cadàver per postres 1976


L'excèntric multimilionari Lionel Twain convida a sopar al seu castell els cinc detectius més importants de la història: el xinès Sidney Wang, el novaiorquès Dick Charleston, l'anglesa Jessica Marbles, el belga Milo Perrier i Sam Diamond, resident a San Francisco. Després de ser rebuts per un majordom cec, Twain els explica durant el sopar el motiu de la reunió: a mitjanit es produirà un assassinat i el que sigui capaç de resoldre'l s'emportarà un milió de dòlars.


La bèstia ha de morir

La bèstia ha de morir 1974


Tom Newcliffe, un ric home de negocis i gran caçador, ha perseguit i caçat totes les espècies que ha pogut trobar. Totes menys una, que encara no ha estat identificada. Newcliffe convida sis persones a passar el cap de setmana a casa seva. Cap d'ells no pot abandonar la finca durant el temps que hi romanguin. Newcliffe sospita que hi ha un home llop a la zona i que un dels seus convidats és el portador del virus. El seu pla és descobrir quin dels seus convidats és la bèstia nocturna i caçar-la, per així augmentar la seva impressionant col·lecció.


The Graham Norton Show

The Graham Norton Show 2007


Each week celebrity guests join Irish comedian Graham Norton to discuss what's being going on around the world that week. The guests poke fun and share their opinions on the main news stories. Graham is often joined by a band or artist to play the show out.


Evening Urgant

Evening Urgant 2012


Evening show Ivan Urgant. Movies, sports, new gadgets, art. What is happening in the country and in the world? Actual characters discussing the day's events and new music.


The Kumars at No. 42

The Kumars at No. 42 2001


The Kumars at No. 42 is a British comedy show. It won an International Emmy in 2002 and 2003. It ran for seven series totalling 53 episodes.


Saturday Night Live Arabia

Saturday Night Live Arabia 2016


The Arabic version of the popular, late-night comedy sketch show features celebrity guests, parodies, and a variety of laugh-out-loud antics.


The Mrs Merton Show

The Mrs Merton Show 1995


The Mrs Merton Show is a mock chat show starring Caroline Aherne as the elderly host Mrs Merton. It ran from 10 February 1995 to 2 April 1998 and was produced by Granada Television and aired on the BBC. The writers included Aherne, Craig Cash, Dave Gorman and Henry Normal. Prior to TV success, Aherne's Mrs Merton character appeared on Frank Sidebottom's album "5/9/88", then made her TV debut on the 1991 Channel 4 gameshow Remote Control, hosted by Anthony H Wilson. The chat show was followed up by a sitcom, Mrs Merton and Malcolm, based on Mrs Merton and her son Malcolm, who was played by Craig Cash.


Al Murray's Happy Hour

Al Murray's Happy Hour 2007


Al Murray's Happy Hour was a chat show presented by comedian Al Murray and produced by Avalon TV. The first series aired in early 2007. It is broadcast on the British terrestrial TV network, ITV, and the first series was broadcast on Saturday nights at 10pm. The second series aired on Fridays at 10pm. A third series returned to ITV on 12 September 2008, in the same 10pm Friday night slot. However, UTV in Northern Ireland did not show the third series in the 10pm Friday night slot with the other ITV regions. They now show it the following Thursday at around 11.40pm, due to UTV regional programming on Friday nights. Murray presents the programme in his Pub Landlord persona: a stereotypically nationalistic, chauvinistic character. The show contains stand-up, guest interviews and live music. The show ends with Murray performing a Queen song with the musical guest.


Historical Roasts

Historical Roasts 2019


"Roastmaster General" Jeff Ross and a slew of guest stars poke fun at major historical figures while also honoring their enduring impact on the world.


The Keith Barret Show

The Keith Barret Show 2004


Spoof chat show that sees divorced character Keith Barret explore what makes a successful relationship, with a celebrity guest couple featured on each episode.



Dolly 1987


Dolly is a television variety show that ran on ABC during the 1987-1988 season featuring Dolly Parton.


Lie if you can

Lie if you can 2023


Liza Anokhina hosts the show where Russian bloggers are asked personal questions while being connected to a polygraph.


Story Club

Story Club 2015


Australia's finest raconteurs gather in front of a live audience to reveal their funniest stories, darkest moments and their shameful secrets while sitting in a stupidly ornate chair and reading from an awkwardly large book.



Parneviks 2015


Golfer Jesper Parnevik and his family welcome celebrity guests to stay at their mansion in Florida for a few days.