El club de la lluita

El club de la lluita 1999


Un jove sense il·lusions lluita contra el seu insomni, conseqüència potser del seu tedi per la seva vida gris i rutinària. En un viatge amb avió coneix Tyler Durden, un carismàtic venedor de sabó que sosté una filosofia molt particular: el perfeccionisme és cosa de gent feble; en canvi, l'autodestrucció és l'única cosa que fa que realment la vida valgui la pena. Tots dos decideixen llavors formar un club secret de lluita on descarregar les seves frustracions i la seva ira que tindrà un èxit aclaparador.



Seven 1995


El tinent Somerset, del departament d'homicidis, és a punt de jubilar-se i ser reemplaçat per l'ambiciós i brillant detectiu David Mills. Tots dos hauran de col·laborar en la resolució d'una sèrie d'assassinats comesos per un psicòpata que pren com a base la relació dels set pecats capitals: gola, mandra, supèrbia, avarícia, enveja, luxúria i ira. Els cossos de les víctimes, sobre els quals l'assassí s'acarnissa de manera impúdica, es convertiran per als policies en un enigma que els obligarà a viatjar a l'horror i la barbàrie més absoluta.



Respati 2024


Un adolescent té l’habilitat d’entrar als somnis de la gent en tocar-ne la pell. En una de les seves exploracions, és testimoni de com un esperit venjatiu assassina unes quantes persones mentre dormen, un crim que només ell pot aturar.


Animals nocturns

Animals nocturns 2016


Susan Morrow és una galerista establerta a Los Angeles que comparteix una vida plena de luxes, encara que buida, amb Hutton Morrow, el seu segon marit. Un dia, Susan rep una novel·la escrita pel seu exmarit Edward Sheffiel, del qual fa anys que no té notícies. En una nota li demana que llegeixi la novel·la inèdita i que s'hi posi en contacte, ja que es quedarà uns dies a la ciutat. És de nit. Susan, sola al llit, comença a llegir, i és la història d'un matrimoni amb una filla que conduint per Texas una nit, són perseguits per un altre vehicle...


Efectes secundaris

Efectes secundaris 2013


L'Emily i en Martin són una parella novaiorquesa, als que se'ls enfonsa el món quan l'Emily intenta suïcidar-se. Incapaç de superar la seva depressió, l'Emily accepta seguir una nova medicació receptada pel seu psiquiatre, el Dr. Jonathan Banks, pensada per calmar l'ansietat. Però el fàrmac comença a tenir inesperats efectes secundaris que amenacen amb destruir les vides de tots els implicats.



Insomnia 2002


Will Dormer, un veterà detectiu de Los Angeles, viatja a un petit poble d'Alaska amb el seu company Hap per investigar l'assassinat d'una noia de 17 anys. A Los Angeles queda pendent un obscur assumpte que els incumbeix a tots dos. Un cop a Alaska, entren en contacte amb el principal sospitós, Walter Finch, un novel·lista ermità.


The Haunting (La casa infernal)

The Haunting (La casa infernal) 1999


Des que fos construïda fa 130 anys, la Casa de la Colina, un edifici tan gòtic com tenebrós, s'aixeca solitària i envoltada de múltiples llegendes i rumors que parlen sobre morts tràgiques. Intrigat pel passat de la mansió el Dr. David Marlow forma un equip amb tres persones més: Theo, una exuberant bisexual, Nell, dona sensible que acaba d'escapar del control familiar, i Luke Sannerson, el cínic del grup, per anar a la deshabitada casa i fer un estudi sobre la naturalesa de la por. I la casa s'encarregarà de despertar la por dels llogaters.



Samba 2014


Fa deu anys que en Samba va arribar a França des del Senegal i des de llavors ha passat per diverses feines humils. L'Alice és una executiva que està passant una mala època. Tots dos lluiten per sortir del seu particular laberint. El destí farà que els seus camins es trobin.


The Atypical Family

The Atypical Family 2024


Once blessed with unique superpowers, a family loses their abilities due to modern day problems — until a mysterious woman changes everything.


Insomniacs After School

Insomniacs After School 2023


Ganta Nakami is a high school student who suffers from insomnia. He meets Isaki Magari, a girl with the same condition. A relationship forms as they share a secret and catch up on their sleep in their school’s abandoned observatory.


I Wanna Hear Your Song

I Wanna Hear Your Song 2019


A romantic comedy which is about a timpanist witnessing a murder case but cannot remember anything about what happened. With the help from a mysterious guy, she attempts to recover her memories from that day.


My Girlfriend

My Girlfriend 2019


Growing up, Ding Xiaorou had a pretty normal life but at the age of 17, everything changed. Through a series of misunderstandings, Xiaorou finds herself on the bad end of a stranger’s curse, a curse that dooms her to spend the rest of her life unable to find true love. As the years pass, Xiaorou is reminded time and time again, of the stranger’s curse, as one after another, her romantic relationships fail. Cursed and alone, Xiaorou begins to wonder if she’s doomed for all time. On the verge of giving up all hope, Xiaorou meets Chi Xin and suddenly, everything changes.


Dr. Cutie

Dr. Cutie 2020


To seek revenge Tian Qi enters the palace disguised as a man. Due to her special abilities, she was taken to fancy by the Emperor and became his personal eunuch. As Tian Qi and the Emperor spend time together, the Emperor discovered that she is a girl. It turns out that Tian Qi is the daughter of Minister Ji Qingyun, named Ji Shao. Seven years ago, Ji Qingyun was framed by corrupted ministers and his family was sentenced to death. Only his daughter, Ji Shao survived. The Emperor, having fallen in love with Ji Shao, decides to make her his Empress. However, Ji Shao, who is burdened by her quest for revenge, begins to develop complicated and painful feelings for the Emperor.


Mr. Insomnia Waiting for Love

Mr. Insomnia Waiting for Love 2023


Popular musician Lu En Tong and technology firm president Song Yan Xu both suffer from chronic insomnia. They come to discover that by touching one another, sleep befalls them both in a matter of seconds.


A Piece of Your Mind

A Piece of Your Mind 2020


Moon Ha-won is an AI programmer and he is the founder of AH Company. He is a consistent person with a good heart. Meanwhile, Han Seo-woo works as a classical music recording engineer. Her life is unstable without a family or house, but she is a positive person.


Still Up

Still Up 2023


Bonded by insomnia, best friends Lisa and Danny stay connected to each other late into the night and find their way through a world of wonderfully weird surprises as their relationship deepens.


A Breeze of Love

A Breeze of Love 2023


Do Hyun, the captain of the basketball team, is preparing for the championship. Hye In, the team manager, brings Dong Wook, Do Hyun's first love, to fill in for an injured teammate. Dong Wook and Do Hyun used to go to the same high school. They spent time together and eventually kissed, but Dong Wook had to transfer schools. They meet again on campus and have to play together in a game. They make a bet that if Dong Wook wins, he can officially join the basketball club. After winning, Dong Wook suggests they live together. Do Hyun is unsure, but Dong Wook can only sleep well when they are together. Will they be able to fix their relationship?


Striped Sheep

Striped Sheep 2011


Houkigi Shio seems to be a happy and successful businesswoman, who owns an aromatherapy salon. No one knows that she suffers from insomnia -- all because of her exhusband, who cheated on her. Since Shio isn't the only one having trouble to sleep at night, she comes up with an idea of introducing 'Striped Sheep' service. Women, suffering from insomnia, can hire a young and handsome guy, who will help them sleep.


My Neighbour Can't Sleep

My Neighbour Can't Sleep 2019


A sweet romance begins when a pianist suffering from insomnia finds comfort in a quirky romance novelist. Song Mi Duo who's been single since birth is an aspiring romance novelist who dreams of making it big. During the summer after her high school graduation, she meets Xi Song, a pianist who became famous at a young age. Due to the pressures that he faces, Xi Song suffers from insomnia but is surprised to realize that he can sleep when Song Mi Duo is beside him. Using Xi Song as her model, Song Mi Duo becomes determined to write a love story that will take the world by storm. The two work up a deal that they will both benefit from, thus starting a unique sleeping arrangement as they chase for their dreams.


Sleepless Society: Insomnia

Sleepless Society: Insomnia 2019


Aya is a young female model that has always had a recurring dream: She always dreams of seeing her mother kill someone in a house, which is located on the island she used to live in when she was a child. These dreams cause insomnia, eventually leading up to chronic insomnia to the point that she is confused and begins to separate reality and dreams.


Our D-Day

Our D-Day 2023


'Our D-Day' is a work that tells the story of the last journey of a man and his friends who established the D-day of their lives. Actor Son Min-ho, Shin Bo-ra of the girl group Gugudan, and actors Jung Jun-hwan and Yoon Ha-bin, and director Baek Min-hee, who has directed several web dramas, appear. The youthful journey in 'Our D-Day' will comfort and encourage viewers of the MZ generation and provide self-healing.