Boja acadèmia de policia 2: La primera missió

Boja acadèmia de policia 2: La primera missió 1985


Mahoney i els seus amics ja s'han graduat a l'acadèmia de policia i se'ls assigna la seva primera missió. Estaran preparats per enfrontar-se a una perillosa banda de carrer de gamberros?


Boja acadèmia de policia

Boja acadèmia de policia 1984


A l'acadèmia de policia estan a punt de finalitzar les proves preparatòries per al cos un nombrós grup de veterans. Durant un temps, coincideixen amb els principiants de nou ingrés, que seran el centre d'un munt de bromes que moltes vegades s'ho faran passar molt malament.


Seguretat nacional

Seguretat nacional 2003


Earl Montgomery (Lawrence) és un increïble i hiperactiu cadet de la Policia de Los Angeles que, a causa de la seva mala actitud, és expulsat de l'acadèmia. Després de ser arrestat en un incident amb el vehicle pel policia Hank Rafferty (Zahn), Earl l'acusa d'assetjament i, com a conseqüència, l'agent ingressa a la presó durant sis mesos. En aquest temps, Earl accepta un humil lloc de treball com a guàrdia de seguretat a Seguretat Nacional, la mateixa feina que aconsegueix Hank després d'abandonar la presó. És llavors quan Earl descobreix una sofisticada operació de contraban que ja va costar la vida al seu company mesos enrere i en què podria estar implicat el mateix Departament de Policia.


Boja acadèmia de policia 3

Boja acadèmia de policia 3 1986


L'acadèmia és a punt de desaparèixer. Per evitar-ho, l'única solució és lluitar per la supervivència contra la competidora, l'acadèmia del comandant Mauser.


El que la Walaa vol

El que la Walaa vol 2018


La Walaa és una noia adolescent que viu a un camp de refugiats a Palestina. És valenta i obstinada, i ha decidit entrar a les forces de l'Autoritat Nacional Palestina. Les proves per entrar al cos policial són molt dures, però si ho aconsegueix es convertirà en una de les poques dones policies que hi ha a Cisjordània. Encara és jove i immadura, però la resignació no forma part del seu vocabulari.


Rookie Cops

Rookie Cops 2022


Wi Seung Hyun joins the Korean national Police University to follow in his father's footsteps but runs into hurdles as he gets involved with a woman named Go Eun Gang.


Kazama Kimichika: Kyojo Zero

Kazama Kimichika: Kyojo Zero 2023


The mystery of how Kazama Kimichika became so ruthless and unmatched will be revealed. Kyojo Zero depicts the time before he was assigned to the police academy, when he was working as an instructor in charge of training new detectives...


Police Academy: The Series

Police Academy: The Series 1997


Police Academy: The Series is a syndicated 1997 television series spin-off from the Police Academy series of films. Michael Winslow was the only actor from the Police Academy films to have a recurring role on the show, although several of the film's cast made occasional guest appearances. The series was written by Paul Maslansky and produced by James Margellos and Gary M. Goodman. Music by Ari Wise and Jim Guttridge


The Sign

The Sign 2023


For as long as Tharn can remember, he's had premonitions about those around him, sensing both the good and the bad. Partners on a team of special investigators, when kind and cheerful Tharn met clever and charming Phaya, it felt as though they'd known each other for a long time.



Kyojo 2020


Kimichika Kazama is an instructor at a police academy. He is keenly observant and watches over his students. He is calm as an instructor and has charisma, but strict. Students with various backgrounds attend the police academy with their own reasons of becoming police officers. They feel pressure having to follow the strict rules and have anxiety about getting kicked out of the academy. How many students will graduate among the 90 students? What is the real purpose of Kimichika Kazama giving hardship to the students?


The Rookies

The Rookies 2007


The cases of five young and well-intentioned police recruits often turn into catastrophes.



Beginners! 2012


Shimura Teppei (Fujigaya Taisuke) grew up watching his policeman father who would ride side-by-side in marathons because he was a motorcycle cop, and dreamt of being a marathon runner as a child. But Teppei’s father lost his job and disappeared. Teppei ruined himself by becoming a well-known delinquent in the area. Under the influence of his childhood friend, Yuichi, Teppei chose to become a policeman after graduating from high school. He miraculously passed the recruitment exam and entered the police academy. However, he has been assigned to a “class of reserves” (Goriki Ayame, Koyanagi Yu, Okamoto Azusa, Mizusawa Erina, Ishii Tomoya, Mori Ren) which is a gathering of odds and ends. There are eight of them and each day they are only instructed by the assistant teacher, Ryuzaki Misaki, to sweep the academy grounds … …


The Sun Will Rise Again

The Sun Will Rise Again 2011


Detective Tono Kazuyuki (Sato Koichi) of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police's First Investigative Division resigns to take responsibility. However, he gets an appointment letter which he is unprepared become an instructor at the police academy!


Highway Patrol

Highway Patrol 1962


Inspector Carlos and his loyal companion, the friendly dog Lobo, fight crime while patrolling Brazil's highways in a Simca Chambord or a powerful Harley Davidson motorcycle.