
Ferida 1992


Stephen Fleming és un metge londinenc i diputat del Partit Conservador. Està casat amb l'Ingrid, una rica hereva amb qui té dos fills: l'adolescent Sally i en Martyn, un prometedor periodista. En una festa, l'Stephen coneix l'Anna, la xicota del seu fill, i sorgeix entre ells una relació passional irrefrenable. L'Anna intenta posar fi a l'enllaç que els uneix i que els condueix a la fatalitat.


Girl You Know It's True

Girl You Know It's True 2023


Els ballarins Pilatus i Morvan salten a la fama a finals de la dècada de 1980 i es converteixen en estrelles amb èxits número 1 i guanyen premis Grammy. El duo mai va cantar una paraula en les seves cançons i la veritat va ser revelada, van protagonitzar un dels majors escàndols en la història de la música.


Savage Grace

Savage Grace 2007


Aquest llargmetratge narra la vida de Bàrbara Daly, una dona que passa a formar part de l'alta societat americana després de casar-se amb Brooks Baekeland, hereu de la fortuna de la baquelita. Elegant i bella, Bàrbara sembla no estar a l'alçada del seu nou estatus als ulls dels seu marit milionari. El naixement del seu únic fill, Tony, desestabilitza el seu matrimoni. Menyspreat pel seu pare, Tony creix cada cop més a prop de la seva mare... Fets extraordinaris i complexes sentiments a flor de pell provocaran un desenllaç que no deixarà a ningú indiferent.


Mark Felt, l’home que va fer caure la Casa Blanca

Mark Felt, l’home que va fer caure la Casa Blanca 2017


Narra la història de Mark Felt, que en 1974 i amb el sobrenom de "Gola profunda", va ajudar als periodistes Bob Woodward i Carl Bernstein, del Washington Post, a destapar l'escàndol del Watergate, que finalitzaria amb la carrera del president Nixon.


Tots els homes del rei

Tots els homes del rei 2006


Remake d'una coneguda pel·lícula del 1949 que adapta una novel·la de Robert Penn Warren que va obtenir el premi Pulitzer el 1946. Ambientada a Louisiana, narra la vida d'un polític idealista que arriba al poder, però la carrera del qual es veurà afectada per la corrupció.


L’escàndol Ted Kennedy

L’escàndol Ted Kennedy 2018


L'estiu de 1969, dos dies abans que els astronautes nord-americans arribessin a la Lluna, el senador Ted Kennedy, germà de John i de Robert Fitzgerald Kennedy, assassinats quan el primer era president i quan el segon estava fent campanya per ser president dels Estats Units, va tenir un accident de cotxe. El seu vehicle va caure daltabaix d'un pont i va quedar submergit. Ell es va poder salvar, però la dona que l'acompanyava, Mary Jo Kopechne, una jove de 28 anys que havia treballat amb Robert Kennedy, va quedar atrapada a dins del cotxe i hi va perdre la vida. Després de la mort dels seus germans, semblava que li tocava a Ted Kennedy intentar arribar a la presidència dels Estats Units, però aquell incident ho va impedir.



Philomena 2013


Pel·lícula basada en fets reals que explica el cas de Philomena Lee, una dona que de petita, va quedar òrfena de mare i es va educar en un internat de monges. Quan encara era molt jove, es va quedar embarassada i va tenir un fill. Les monges, sense el seu consentiment, van donar el nen en adopció. Al cap de cinquanta anys, la Philomena l'hi conta tot a la seva filla. Al cap de poc, la filla coneix en Martin, un periodista caigut en desgràcia, i li demana que les ajudi a trobar el fill de la Philomena. Al principi, en Martin s'hi mostra reticent, però a mesura que en va sabent coses s'interessa més pel tema i per ajudar la Philomena a descobrir la veritat.


El desafiament: Frost contra Nixon

El desafiament: Frost contra Nixon 2008


Richard Nixon (Frank Langella) va romandre en silenci durant tres anys després de renunciar a la presidència dels Estats Units. El 1977 va accedir a una entrevista per tal d'aclarir alguns punts foscos de l'època en què era al govern i utilitzar-la per a un possible retorn a la política. L'entrevistador va ser el jove David Frost (Michael Sheen), a qui Nixon creia que doblegaria. Però el resultat va ser una gran batalla dialèctica entre tots dos, vista per 45 milions de persones en quatre nits.


Michael Clayton

Michael Clayton 2007


Michael Clayton treballa per a un famós bufet de Nova York, tot i que no exerceix d'advocat. La seva especialitat és arreglar-ho tot de la manera més neta i ràpida possible fent servir els seus múltiples contactes, també dins de la policia i dels jutjats.


La Maison

La Maison 2024


High fashion meets high drama in this behind-the-curtain look at an iconic French haute couture house. When the family dynasty behind the house falls into scandal, they must find a way to reinvent themselves—or be destroyed by their rivals.


Cheongdamdong Scandal

Cheongdamdong Scandal 2014


Drama series depicts an epic scandal of the upper class that place in Cheongdam District, Seoul. An area which epitomizes the wealthy lifestyle.


Bad Love

Bad Love 2019


The story of a woman who struggles amidst a big whirlwind of fate, and her unconditional motherly love.



Reputasyon 2011


Reputasyon is a Philippine romance drama previously aired by ABS-CBN. It stars Cristine Reyes together with Rayver Cruz and Jason Abalos. It also stars the daytime television comeback of Aiko Melendez and Jaclyn Jose. It originally aired on the 2:00-2:45 p.m. timeslot, until September 19, 2011 when it was moved to the 5:00-5:45 p.m. timeslot as requested by the televiewers.


The Greatest Love

The Greatest Love 2011


Can you confidently love a person who you like but others don't? Muster up the courage and a love that seems like the worst to others can become the best for you. The most-liked guy in the country, who is loved by everyone, and the most-disliked woman in the country, who is criticized by everyone, squeeze out that courage as their feelings for each other grow.


The Liar and His Lover

The Liar and His Lover 2017


Kang Han-Kyeol is a great yet sullen composer who becomes inspired by the voices of others and keeps his identity secret from people. He meets Yoon So-Rim, a high school student who possesses beautiful singing, whilst under his secret identity, and she falls in love with him. Adaptation of the manga by Kotomi Aoki under the same name, which has been running since 2009.


The Royals

The Royals 2015


Drama about a fictional British Royal family set in modern day London, who inhabit a world of opulence and regal tradition that caters to any and every desire, but one that also comes with a price tag of duty, destiny and intense public scrutiny.



Melancholia 2021


A sexual scandal between a math teacher and a student in a prestigious high school ended in tragedy. 4 years later they meet again, now as adults, to reveal the corruptions in school and to regain one's reputation as a teacher.



Trolley 2022


A sudden tragedy brings the wife of an assemblyman out of her private life and forces her to confront family secrets and her own troubling past.



Lillie 1978


The Rise and Fall of a Professional Beauty. It was the affair that shook Victorian society to its core. He was the Prince of Wales, the future monarch; she was a professional beauty, who became a royal bedmate. Follow the fascinating life of the Dean of Jersey's daughter from her modest childhood to her emergence as one of the most celebrated beauties of her time. Lillie's liaison with the heir to the throne marked only the beginning of a remarkable, scandalous and daring series of adventures in open defiance of accepted morality imposed by Victorian and Edwardian society.


Chastity High

Chastity High 2024


When an ultra-elite high school enforces a strict "No Romance" rule that expels anyone caught dating, a student secretly helps her classmates for cash.


To My Star

To My Star 2021


The love story between actor Kang Seo-joon, who deviates from the traditional route, and chef Han Ji-woo, who doesn't want to deviate from the straight path. It's a romance-boosting story that claims to be a type of drama that's never been seen before.


Inside Edge

Inside Edge 2017


The story of the Mumbai Mavericks, a T20 cricket franchise playing in the Powerplay League. Set in a landscape of conflicting interests, where selfishness is almost a virtue, where sex, money, and power are mere means to an end, Inside Edge is a story that pulls no punches, minces no words, and takes no prisoners. Come witness the game behind the game.


Anatomy of a Scandal

Anatomy of a Scandal 2022


Sophie's privileged life as the wife of powerful politician James unravels when scandalous secrets surface — and he stands accused of a shocking crime.


A Very English Scandal

A Very English Scandal 2018


It's the late 1960s, homosexuality has only just been legalised and Jeremy Thorpe, the leader of the Liberal party, has a secret he's desperate to hide.


Mr Bates vs The Post Office

Mr Bates vs The Post Office 2024


One of the greatest miscarriages of justice in British legal history where hundreds of innocent sub-postmasters and postmistresses were wrongly accused of theft, fraud and false accounting due to a defective IT system.


Wild Wild Country

Wild Wild Country 2018


When a controversial cult leader builds a utopian city in the Oregon desert, conflict with the locals escalates into a national scandal.


The Reckoning

The Reckoning 2023


The life of Jimmy Savile, a man who, for decades, became one of the UK’s most influential celebrities, but in death has become one of the most reviled figures of modern history following revelations of extensive and horrific abuse.