Karate Kid

Karate Kid 1984


Daniel Larusso arriba a Los Angeles procedent de la costa Est dels Estats Units disposat a fer nous amics. No obstant això, es converteix en el blanc dels atacs dels Cobres, un grup hostil d'estudiants de karate, quan comença a sortir amb Ali, l'antiga núvia del lider de el grup. En aquesta situació, no té més remei que demanar-li ajuda a Miyagi, un mestre d'arts marcials, perquè li ensenyi karate. Sota la tutela de Miyagi, Daniel desenvolupa no només les seves aptituds físiques, sinó també la seguretat en si mateix que necessita per superar tots els obstacles.


El dia de demà

El dia de demà 2004


L'escalfament global comença a ocasionar desastres per tot el planeta i aboca la Terra cap a una nova era glacial. En Jack Hall, un climatòleg, prova de rescatar el seu fill que s'ha quedat atrapat a Nova York. El viatge comença a Washington, D.C.


Projecte X

Projecte X 2012


Un estudiant tímid vol reunir uns quants companys de l'institut a casa seva per celebrar el seu aniversari, però comet la imprudència de deixar que el seu amic més esbojarrat li organitzi la festa. L'esdeveniment es publica a les xarxes socials com la festa més boja de la temporada, i tot plegat acaba en un caos de dimensions descomunals. La pel·lícula és un retrat de les obsessions i els tics dels adolescents americans de classe mitjana-alta.


Jeepers Creepers 2

Jeepers Creepers 2 2003


Aturat el seu autobús en una carretera solitària, un equip de jugadors de basquet, entrenadors i animadores inclosos, s'enfronten al Creeper, una bèstia antiga que ressuscita cada 23 anys per a menjar.


Els avantatges de ser un marginat

Els avantatges de ser un marginat 2012


És l'any 1991 i en Charlie, un noi acadèmicament precoç i poc sociable, és un marginat, sempre observant des de la distància, fins que un parell de joves carismàtics l'acullen sota les seves ales. La bella Sam, d'esperit lliure, i el seu germanastre Patrick, sense por a res, cuiden de Charlie oferint-li noves amistats, el primer amor, sexualitat incipient, festes sense fi, visionats a mitjanit de «The Rocky Horror Picture Show», i la cerca de la cançó perfecta.


Lady Bird

Lady Bird 2017


La Christine és una adolescent que es fa dir Lady Bird i és molt artística. Somia a viure a la costa est dels Estats Units i trobar el seu propi camí allunyant-se de l'ombra protectora de la seva mare. Tanmateix, per molt que hi lluiti en contra, en el fons és exactament igual que ella.


Rumors i mentides

Rumors i mentides 2010


L'Olive és una noia d'institut atrafegada per la seva amiga Rhiannon. Per això, decideix inventar-se que ha perdut la virginitat amb un noi. Però malauradament, la seva falsa confessió la sent la líder d'un grup religiós d'estudiants. A partir d'aquest moment, els rumors sobre la seva suposada promiscuïtat arribaran fins a l'últim estudiant.


Murmuris del cor

Murmuris del cor 1995


La Shizuku és una adolescent aficionada a la lectura, que ha planejat passar les seves vacances d’estiu llegint a la biblioteca i traduint cançons estrangeres. Però, els seus plans fan un gir inesperat quan descobreix que les fitxes dels llibres que agafa de la biblioteca tenen un mateix nom: Seiji Amasawa. Un dia, al tren, la noia coneix un gat misteriós que la porta a la botiga on Seiji treballa com aprenent de lutier i el seu somni és portar el seu art a Itàlia i anima la Shizuku perquè escrigui llibres


Un hivern a la platja

Un hivern a la platja 2013


Anys després d'haver-se divorciat, el novel·lista Bill Borgens continua obsessionat amb la seva exdona, l'Erica, que el va deixar per un altre home. Malgrat els esforços de la seva veïna Tricia, en Bill només té ulls per a l'Erica. La seva filla Samantha publica la seva primera novel·la i aleshores ell s'adona que fa temps que no escriu. Al mateix temps, en Rusty, el seu fill, també mira de trobar el seu camí com escriptor de ficció.



Freaky 2020


Després d'intercanviar el cos amb un assassí en sèrie, una jove estudiant descobreix que té menys de 24 hores abans que el canvi sigui permanent.



Euphoria 2019


A group of high school students navigate love and friendships in a world of drugs, sex, trauma, and social media.


The Glory

The Glory 2022


Years after surviving horrific abuse in high school, a woman puts an elaborate revenge scheme in motion to make the perpetrators pay for their crimes.


XO, Kitty

XO, Kitty 2023


Teen matchmaker Kitty Song Covey thinks she knows everything there is to know about love. But when she moves halfway across the world to reunite with her long-distance boyfriend, she’ll soon realize that relationships are a lot more complicated when it’s your own heart on the line.



Lookism 2022


In a society that favors good looks, a high school outcast leads a double life switching between his two bodies that are polar opposites in appearance.


Night Has Come

Night Has Come 2023


Trapped in a deadly cursed Mafia game, the students of Yoo-il High must play the game to survive while unraveling the mysteries behind the curse.


The Vision of Escaflowne

The Vision of Escaflowne 1996


High school student Hitomi is transported from Earth to the magical world of Gaea, where she meets boy prince Van Fanel, and is caught up in his quest to unite the countries of Gaea against the ominous Zaibach empire. On the way, she discovers an hidden ability and strives to unravel layers of mystery surrounding Van, his past, and the giant machine known as Escaflowne.


Weak Hero Class 1

Weak Hero Class 1 2022


Yeon Shi-eun is a model student, who ranks at the top at his school. Physically, he appears like a weak boy, but, by using his smarts, tools, and psychology, he fights against violence that takes place inside and outside of his school.


Mischievous Kiss: Love in Tokyo

Mischievous Kiss: Love in Tokyo 2013


At a high school entrance ceremony, high school student Kotoko Aihara, who isn't that smart, notices pretty boy Naoki Irie. She falls in love with him immediately. Kotoko initially doesn't express her feelings to him, but finally has a chance to tell him how she feels. Unfortunately, Naoki turns Kotoko down, saying "I don't like dumb women." One day, Kotoko Aihara's house is severely damaged by an earthquake. Until the house is rebuilt, Kotoko Aihara and her father decide to live with her father's friend. When Kotoko Aihara moves to her new temporary house, she is surprised to learn that Naoki Irie lives there as well.


Daily Lives of High School Boys

Daily Lives of High School Boys 2012


Join Tadakuni, Hidenori and Yoshitake as they undergo the trials and tribulations of life in high school. Each episode presents the boys and their classmates in unique situations that you may or may not have faced in high school yourself.



Daria 1997


After moving to a new town with her stressed-out parents and relentlessly popular little sister, Daria uses her acerbic wit and keen powers of observation to contend with the mind-numbingly ridiculous world of Lawndale High.


Chastity High

Chastity High 2024


When an ultra-elite high school enforces a strict "No Romance" rule that expels anyone caught dating, a student secretly helps her classmates for cash.


Cellphone Investigator 7

Cellphone Investigator 7 2008


Seeking an escape from his mundane life, high-schooler Keita Amishima stumbles into the secret life of an agent of UNDER ANCHOR - a covert organisation combating cyber terrorism. Keita isn't alone, as he is partnered with an A.I. - the Phone Braver "Seven". Together, Keita and Seven work to counter cyber crimes, all the while dealing with the machinations of a rogue Phone Braver, "Zero One".


Summer Heights High

Summer Heights High 2007


Exploring what happens over one school term in an average Australian high school, this mockumentary brings to life Jonah, a 13 year old mischievous schoolboy from Tonga with the odds stacked against him; Mr G, an ego-driven drama teacher with delusional showbiz dreams; and Ja’mie, a private schoolgirl on a student exchange, set to make her mark on Summer Heights High.


No Dropping Out: Back to School at 35

No Dropping Out: Back to School at 35 2013


The drama will center around how a 35 year old changes the school and influences her fellow classmates’ lives while dealing with the dark reality of today’s high schools, including bullying and skipping school.


Lincoln Heights

Lincoln Heights 2007


Eddie Sutton is a dedicated police officer, his wife Jenn, a devoted nurse, but their most important job is as parents to their three teenage children Cassie, Tay and Lizzie. They're your everyday American family living in the suburbs of Southern California, but the Suttons are thrown for a loop when Eddie decides to move his wife and three kids to the inner-city neighborhood where he grew up.


The High School Heroes

The High School Heroes 2021


Gosei School has a long history. The principal of the school is highly ambitious and he tries to achieve his goals by using supernatural majin powers. Six students go up against the principal. The students are Taisei Manaka (Taisho Iwasaki), Ryuhei Domon (Ryuga Sato), Yusuke Takigawa (Yuto Nasu), Hyuma Oura (Hidaka Ukisho), Naoya Morimura (Naoki Fujii) and Ichika Sakurai (Issei Kanasashi).


I liceali

I liceali 2008


A teen comedy-drama set in an Italian public high school following an ensemble cast of students and teachers.


Video Game High School

Video Game High School 2012


It's the near future: You're dead. Your kids are probably dead. Your grandkids (if they're alive) are playing video games. Why? Because professional gaming is the biggest sport on earth. Around the world, millions of players duke it out in fighters, RTS’s, First Person Shooters and more. To the victors go the spoils: glory, clan contracts and million dollar endorsements. The best young gamers are recruited by elite boarding schools to sharpen their skills. The best of the best go to VGHS: VIDEO GAME HIGH SCHOOL.


Mazica Party

Mazica Party 2021


The franchise's story centers on wizards who gather mazica in order to save the world. Junior high school student Kezuru wakes up after a strange dream featuring himself as a wizard, a creature called "mazin," and a mysterious girl. The next day, his friend Kuracchi proudly shows off the newly launched Mazica Party card game. To Kezuru's shock, all the characters drawn in the game's cards are just like the ones in his dream.