Top Gun

Top Gun 1986


L'exèrcit dels Estats Units crea una escola d'elit per a pilots d'aviació, amb la finalitat de tenir una promoció d'experts en tècniques de combat. A l'acadèmia, més coneguda com a Top Gun, entrenen els millors pilots per ser intrèpids i freds al mateix temps, persones capaces de no perdre els nervis en situacions extremes i de no immutar-se en trencara la barrera del so. El jove Maverick arriba a l'escola precedit per la seva brillant i temerària manera de pilotar.


Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor 2001


Rafe i Danny van créixer junts en una zona rural nord-americana i la seva amistat s'ha prolongat al llarg dels anys fins a les files de l'exèrcit de l'aire, on tots dos són pilots de combat. Rafe va trobar a Evelyn, una valenta infermera, a l'amor de la seva vida, però aviat és cridat a servir en la força aèria britànica per combatre els nazis com a representant de l'exèrcit nord-americà. Mentrestant, Danny i Evelyn són enviats a la base aèria de Pearl Harbor a Hawaii. Un cop allà, tots dos s'enamoren mentre Rafe és enderrocat en combat. Per sorpresa de tots dos, Rafe sobreviu i torna a Pearl Harbor, però tot es complica quan es produeix un mortal bombardeig per part de l'exèrcit japonès.


El pilot

El pilot 2023


A la nit de cap d'any, el pilot expert Brodie Torrance (Gerard Butler) realitza un arriscat aterratge quan el seu avió, ple de passatgers, és impactat per un llamp. Perduts enmig d'una illa devastada per la guerra, Torrance s'adonarà que sobreviure al vol només ha estat el principi d'una aventura trepidant plena de perills. El pilot haurà d'usar tot el seu enginy per portar els passatgers a les seues destinacions sans i estalvis.


Barry Seal: El traficant

Barry Seal: El traficant 2017


Basada en la vida real de Barry Seal, un expilot que es va convertir en un important narcotraficant al cartell de Medellín i que va acabar sent reclutat per la CIA i el departament d'intel·ligència de la DEA.



Sully 2016


Just després d'enlairar-se de l'aeroport de LaGuardia, a Nova York, un avió de la companyia US Airways topa amb un estol d'ocells, i els dos motors de l'aparell deixen de funcionar com a conseqüència de l'impacte. Els tècnics de control de trànsit aeri aconsellen als tripulants que tornin a LaGuardia, però el comandant Sullenberger, "Sully", amb 40 anys d'experiència com a pilot, s'adona que no aconseguiran arribar-hi a temps i decideix fer un aterratge d'emergència al riu Hudson. Contra tot pronòstic, totes les persones que anaven a bord sobreviuen. Els mitjans i la població de seguida aclamen Sully com un heroi, però la companyia aèria obre una investigació interna per determinar si el comandant va prendre la decisió correcta.



Dunkerque 2017


França, 1940. En plena Segona Guerra Mundial, a causa de l’imparable avenç de les tropes nazis, mig milió de soldats britànics queden aïllats en una platja francesa. L’operació per a evacuar-los serà arriscada i espectacular, i hi participaran tot tipus d’embarcacions britàniques que aniran a salvar els seus compatriotes.


Bee Movie

Bee Movie 2007


Barry B. Benson, és una abella acabada de graduar a l’universitat, que es troba una mica decebuda de la seva ocupació actual: fer mel. Un dia coneix a Vanessa, una florista de Nova York i la seva relació comença a florir. A mesura que la seva relació floreix, descobreix que els humans mengen mel i, per tant, decideix demandar-nos.


Nit i dia

Nit i dia 2010


La història gira al voltant de les aventures d'una parella, una dona normal que només vol acudir a un casament, i un home que sembla un agent secret, de llarg a llarg del planeta. Tots dos es troben repetides vegades al llarg de diversos llocs, condemnats a estar junts en una sèrie de persecucions on ningú no és qui sembla ser


El vol

El vol 2012


Whip Whitaker és un experimentat pilot d'avió que aconsegueix realitzar un miraculós aterratge forçós salvant a gairebé tots els passatgers d'un vol. Després de l'accident Whip es converteix en un heroi, però segons es va desenvolupant la recerca, van sorgint moltes preguntes sobre el que va succeir exactament.


Mad Max 2, el guerrer de la carretera

Mad Max 2, el guerrer de la carretera 1981


Després del holocaust nuclear, la gasolina s'ha convertit en un bé escàs i molt cobejat. Mad Max, heroi solitari, inicia una lluita sense quarter per ajudar a una colònia de supervivents constantment atacada per un grup de violents guerrers que intenta prendre-li un tanc de gasolina. Max decideix ajudar els defensors utilitzant un enorme camió. La banda de guerrers persegueix al camió, a la recerca del seu dipòsit cisterna de benzina.



Airplane! 1980


El vol 209 de la Trans American ix de Los Angeles amb destinació a Chicago. Entre els passatgers es troben una sèrie de curiosos personatges. Entre ells, un ex-pilot de combat que, en ple vol, es veurà obligat a fer-se amb el comandament de l’avió comercial, després que els pilots quedaren indisposats per un menjar en mal estat.



L’aviador 2004


Biografia de Howard Hughes, magnat de l'aviació i cineasta que va viure la seva època daurada a Hollywood a partir de l'any 1924. Hugues, que aleshores tenia 19 anys, es va quedar orfe i va heretar el gran negoci familiar. Interessat en el món del cinema, va invertir molts diners produint pel·lícules i va tenir relacions sentimentals amb actrius famoses: Ava Gardner, Katharine Hepburn i Jean Harlow. Més tard es va interessar per l'aviació i, quan tenia 33 anys, va fer la volta al món en un avió dissenyat per ell mateix.


El vol del Fènix

El vol del Fènix 2004


Un avió s'estavella al desert de Mongòlia. Els supervivents s'enfronten a les dures condicions climàtiques, a la manca de provisions i a la nul·la esperança d'un rescat. A mesura que el temps passa, l'única idea que tenen per poder sobreviure és gairebé un impossible: construir un nou avió amb les peces que no van quedar danyades en l'accident.



Airwolf 1984


As part of a deal with an intelligence agency to look for his missing brother, a renegade pilot goes on missions with an advanced battle helicopter.



Wings 1990


Brothers Brian and Joe Hackett attempt to run an airline on the New England island of Nantucket while surrounded by their various wacky friends and employees.



TaleSpin 1990


Baloo the Bear stars in an adventurous comedy of love and conflict with his friend Kit Cloudkicker. Rebecca Cunningham and her daughter Molly purchase Baloo's failing company and Baloo must fly transport runs to clear his debt while dodging Don Karnage and his sky pirates.



Hijack 2023


When Flight KA29 is hijacked during its seven-hour journey from Dubai to London, Sam Nelson—an accomplished corporate negotiator—tries using his professional skills to save everyone on board. Will this high-risk strategy be his undoing?


Voltes V: Legacy

Voltes V: Legacy 2023


Voltes V: Legacy follows the story of three brothers, Steve, Big Bert, and Little Jon Armstrong, and their friends Jamie Robinson and Mark Gordon, as they fight the forces of humanoid aliens known as Boazanians who plans to invade the earth and launch their beast fighters all over the world.


The Centimeter of Love

The Centimeter of Love 2020


The play tells the story of the Yanxi Hospital doctor Xu Qingfeng on the voyage back from studying abroad, and the captain Guan Yuqing, because of tacit cooperation in helping patients, found that each other's family had hard-to-recited sutras.


Baa Baa Black Sheep

Baa Baa Black Sheep 1976


The dramatized World War II adventures of US Major Gregory "Pappy" Boyington and his Marine Attack Squadron 214, AKA The Black Sheep Squadron.


Pan Am

Pan Am 2011


In this modern world, air travel represents the height of luxury and Pan Am is the biggest name in the business. The planes are glamorous, the pilots are rock stars and the stewardesses are the most desirable women in the world. They're trained to handle everything from in-air emergencies to unwanted advances—all without rumpling their pristine uniforms or mussing their hair.



Whirlybirds 1957


Whirlybirds is a syndicated American drama/adventure television series, which aired for 111 episodes — broadcast from February 4, 1957, through January 18, 1960. It was produced by Desilu Studios . The show centered around Chuck Martin (Kenneth Tobey) and Pete (P.T.) Moore (Craig Hill), owners of 'Whirlybirds, Inc', who flew their helicopter (N975B) between Longwood Field and anywhere where they could be of help to someone in trouble.


Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance

Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance 2024


Eleven months into the One Year War in U.C.0079, top Zaku II pilot Captain Solari faces the Earth Federation's new lethal weapon: the mobile suit Gundam.


Tales of the Gold Monkey

Tales of the Gold Monkey 1982


In a backwater corner of the South Pacific in 1938, a young American adventurer and his ragtag group of friends become involved in death-defying hi-jinx, transporting people-on-the-run in a well-worn Grumman Goose seaplane.


Defying the Storm

Defying the Storm 2022


During the difficult period from 1937 to 1945, two generations of three intellectual families in Peiping make choices and sacrifices in the face of great turmoil and changes of the times. Some people choose to protect Chinese culture and continue the cultural bloodline. There are both idealists and realistic activists. They try their best to save the nation and survive, and actively search for a way out for the country, and finally head towards the light.



Airline 2004


Airline is an American reality television series that showcases the daily happenings of passengers, ground workers and on-board staff members of Southwest Airlines. The series debuted on January 5, 2004 on A&E and ran for three seasons.


Sky King

Sky King 1952


Sky King is an American radio and television adventure series. The title character is Arizona rancher and aircraft pilot Schuyler "Sky" King. The series was likely based on a true-life personality of the 1930s, Jack Cones, the "Flying Constable" of Twentynine Palms in San Bernardino County, California, although this claim is unverified. Although the series had strong western elements, King mostly captured criminals and spies, and found lost hikers with the use of his plane, the Songbird. Though the planes used changed during the course of the series, the later model was not given a number, but was still known as the Songbird. King and his niece, Penny, lived on the Flying Crown Ranch, near the town of Grover, Arizona. Penny and Clipper were also pilots, though still relatively inexperienced and looking to their uncle for guidance and mentoring. Penny was an accomplished air racer and rated multi-engine pilot, whom Sky trusted to fly the Songbird. In the third TV episode, Penny refers to Clipper as "my brother", so they are siblings. The musical score was largely the work of Herschel Burke Gilbert.


Into the Night

Into the Night 2020


When the sun suddenly starts killing everything in its path, passengers on an overnight flight from Brussels attempt to survive by any means necessary.


Arctic Air

Arctic Air 2012


Arctic Air is about a Yellowknife-based maverick airline and the unconventional family who runs it. The owners are Mel Ivarson, an old school bush pilot; Krista Ivarson, Mel's daughter; and Bobby Martin, the son of Ivarson's deceased partner. Episodes focus on interpersonal conflicts between the characters as well as dramatic flying missions with their aging fleet of Douglas DC-3s, de Havilland Canada DHC-3 Otters and other aircraft. Each episode has one or more flying missions. The series was canceled on March 17, 2014, due to government budgetary cuts


The Good Witch

The Good Witch 2018


Cha Sun-Hee is a housewife and she is married to Bong Cheon-Dae. Her husband is currently unemployed. She has a twin sister, Cha Do-Hee, who works as a flight attendant. Although they are identical twins, they have completely opposite personalities. Cha Do-Hee becomes involved in a situation which leads to Cha Sun-Hee pretending to be her flight attendant sister. She then meets co-pilot Song Woo-Jin.


New Horizon

New Horizon 2021


It is about young people who dream of taking flight in the blue skies and the tests that they encounter when in comes to friendship, romance and career. Xiao Mo is a talented pilot who experiences a blow to his career when a person dies on his watch because of an accident. The person is the mother of Xia Yu who is the successor of an aviation empire. Even though subsequent investigations cleared Xiao Mo of any fault, he resigns from his job due to guilt and chooses to become a mechanic instead. Two years later, Xiao Mo returns to flying and also encounters Xia Yu who's studying to become a pilot as well. The two men find themselves falling for the same woman. To complicate matters, details from two years ago resurface causing the people to suspect Xiao Mo once agai


The New Bob Cummings Show

The New Bob Cummings Show 1961


The New Bob Cummings Show is an American situation comedy which was broadcast by CBS during the 1961-62 television season. The series was originally titled The Bob Cummings Show when it first appeared on the CBS schedule on October 5, 1961; however, this led to confusion between this program and series stars Bob Cummings' earlier 1955 series, also called The Bob Cummings Show; thus, the title The New Bob Cummings Show was officially adopted beginning with the December 28 episode.


Runway 24

Runway 24 2019


Inoue Momoko admires her late father, who was a pilot. She begins work as a co-pilot at a low-cost airline. Under Captain Shinkai Kohei’s instructions, who knew her father, Inoue Momoko works hard to become a captain and her boyfriend Umino Daisuke supports her dream too. One day, Inoue Momoko has a problem with a passenger complaining about the limit for carry-on baggage. At that time, Katsuki Tetsuya looks at the situation.