
Collateral 2004


Un sicari despietat utilitza un taxista a punta de pistola en el seu propòsit d'assassinar cinc persones que han de testificar contra un càrtel de narcotraficants. El film transcorre durant una sola nit a la ciutat de Los Angeles.


Night of the Hunted

Night of the Hunted 2023


Una dona s’atura a posar benzina en una gasolinera remota en la foscor de la nit. Al cap de poca estona de ser allà, es converteix en la joguina d’un franctirador psicòpata que cerca venjança. Per sobreviure, no només ha d’esquivar les bales i lluitar per la seva vida, sinó també esbrinar qui la vol morta i per què.



Tatami 2024


La judoka Leila i la seva entrenadora Maryam viatgen al Campionat Mundial de Judo amb la intenció de portar a casa la primera medalla d'or per a l'Iran. A meitat de la competició, reben un ultimàtum de la República Islàmica que exigeix a Leila fingir una lesió i perdre. Amb la seva llibertat i la de la seva família en joc, Leila s'enfronta a una decisió impossible: fingir una lesió i obeir al règim iranià, com li implora Maryam, o desafiar a tots dos i continuar lluitant per l'or.


The Twilight Zone

The Twilight Zone 1985


This 1980s revival of the classic sci-fi series features a similar style to the original anthology series. Each episode tells a tale (sometimes two or three) rooted in horror or suspense, often with a surprising twist at the end. Episodes usually feature elements of drama and comedy.


The Frog

The Frog 2024


One tranquil summer, a mysterious woman checks into a vacation rental — triggering events that disrupt the lives of the owner and those around him.


The Signal

The Signal 2024


A missing astronaut sets her family on a frantic hunt for answers. But the more they uncover, the greater the threat becomes to them — and the world.


Long Bright River

Long Bright River 1970


A police officer patrols a Philadelphia neighborhood hard-hit by the opioid crisis. When a series of murders begins in the neighborhood, Mickey realizes that her personal history might be related to the case.


The Eastern Gate

The Eastern Gate 2025


The series follows Ewa Oginiec (Góra), who wants to leave the secret service and start over after a personal tragedy. Things take a turn when her partner, also an agent, is exposed by Russian intelligence and mysteriously disappears. The Eastern Gate examines the mechanism of provocation on the world stage and the battle between intelligence services in a world gripped by the complexity of hybrid warfare - very topical, as it turns out.


The Good Daughter

The Good Daughter 1970


Sisters Charlotte and Samantha Quinn have spent the last twenty-eight years trying to piece together the lives that were fractured by a single night of violence. When another attack splinters the small town of Pikeville, Charlotte is the first witness on the scene. Now a lawyer like her father, she’s forced to confront her own demons as the case twists through one shocking revelation after another. In the end, both she and Samantha find themselves wondering if the price of being the good daughter was worth it after all.