El becari

El becari 2015


En Ben Whittaker, un vidu de 70 anys, revoluciona una empresa de comerç electrònic dedicada al món de la moda quan comença a treballar-hi com a becari. Aviat es guanya l'afecte de tots els seus joves companys de feina tret de la Jules Ostin, la directora i fundadora de l'empresa, que al principi es mostra reticent a contractar becaris sènior. De mica en mica, però, en Ben es farà cada vegada més indispensable, fins i tot per a ella. Amb tacte i experiència, en Ben ajudarà la Jules a prendre decisions difícils i a acabar d'encarrilar el seu negoci i la seva vida personal, a què ella no pot dedicar el temps que voldria.


Mother of the Bride

Mother of the Bride 2024


Quan la filla de la Lana, l'Emma, torna d'un any a l'estranger a Londres, llança una bomba sobre la seva mare: es casarà. En una illa, i el mes que ve! Les coses només empitjoren quan la Lana descobreix que l'home misteriós que va robar el cor de la seva filla és el fill de l'home que el va trencar fa anys.


The Trainee

The Trainee 2024


Passionate student Ryan gets an internship as an assistant director where he meets Jane, an AD with a unique ability to extinguish the fires of people's passion. Ryan's suffering is vented to this year's fellow trainees, including a couple consisting of account executive Bamee and editor Teh, Pah in the art department, and Pie in production. As Ryan continues his training, however, he comes to find that Jane is kinder than people think, to the point that Ryan's heart sometimes skips a beat and it becomes his goal to win Jane's heart.


Buff in Love

Buff in Love 2022


The freshly graduated Yang Yifan became an intern in an advertising company but unexpectedly found out that her ex-boyfriend, Huang Yuchen, was competing with her for the promotion. But she's not aware, that Yuchen, didn't want to break up with her, in the first place, and now he's trying to help her get a stable position in the company, as a form of compensation and to win her heart again. Soon, thanks to working in a new environment, Yuchen realizes what the real reason for their breakup was.



Mute 2020


Han Na (Bae Yun Gyeong) is a female concert organizer who has an incredible secret ability: When she encounters a person whom she loves she can "hear" their thoughts. While trying to snare a prestigious full-time job, she has a chance encounter with a man named Je Won (Won Hyung Hoon), who has trouble expressing his feelings and suffers from a hearing-related problem. When they meet, Han Na discovers that she can read his mind, and when they are together, Je Won's hearing problems magically disappear. A romantic bond slowly develops between them. However, after they kiss for the first time, Han Na discovers that she can no longer read Je Won's mind. Will love continue to bloom for Han Na even after she stops "hearing" his innermost thoughts?