El menú

El menú 2022


Una jove parella viatja a una de les destinacions més exclusives del món per sopar en un restaurant que ofereix una experiència culinària única. Tot i això, el xef ha preparat un ingredient secret que tindrà un resultat sorprenent en els dos enamorats.


L’últim desafiament

L’últim desafiament 2013


Turmentat per la culpa després d'una operació fallida, el xèrif Ray Owens deixa el seu lloc en la divisió de narcòtics del Departament de Policia de Los Angeles per traslladar-se a la tranquil·la localitat fronterera de Sommerton Junction. Aquesta existència afable es veu truncada quan Gabriel Cortez, el més destacat capo del narcotràfic de l'hemisferi oest, efectua una espectacular i sanguinària fugida d'un comboi penitenciari del FBI.


Brother 2

Brother 2 2000


El Danila Bagrov té una trobada a Moscou amb un ex-company de l'exèrcit durant la guerra de Txetxènia. El seu vell amic l'informa que el seu germà bessó, que es dedica a jugar a l'hoquei professional a la NHL dels EUA, està patint un espoli per part de l'amo del seu equip, un home de negocis de la ciutat de Chicago. Un seguit d'esdeveniments conduirà al Danila i al seu germà Viktor cap a Amèrica per a intervenir en l'assumpte, disposats a enfrontar-se amb qui calgui.


American Dad!

American Dad! 2005


The series focuses on an eccentric motley crew that is the Smith family and their three housemates: Father, husband, and breadwinner Stan Smith; his better half housewife, Francine Smith; their college-aged daughter, Hayley Smith; and their high-school-aged son, Steve Smith. Outside of the Smith family, there are three additional main characters, including Hayley's boyfriend turned husband, Jeff Fischer; the family's man-in-a-goldfish-body pet, Klaus; and most notably the family's zany alien, Roger, who is "full of masquerades, brazenness, and shocking antics."


Real Sex

Real Sex 1990


Real Sex is a documentary television series broadcast on and a production of HBO. As its name implies, Real Sex is a sexually explicit "magazine" which "explores sex '90s style." Real Sex explores human sexuality, from the latest sexual fads to casual sex festivals and home production of pornographic movies. The show typically explores three to four topics each episode. Segments are separated by street interviews with random people, relating to the episode's topics. Episodes of the show investigate RealDolls, "Swingstock," a cunnilingus seminar, a perpetual sex machine for women, and lovemaking in chocolate. The last Real Sex episode aired in 2009. Older episodes as well as "best-of" episodes are frequently re-aired during late nights on HBO. It spawned a spin-off series called Pornucopia.


Sun Records

Sun Records 2017


The untold story of nothing less than the birth of rock ‘n’ roll. Guided by Sam Phillips, young musicians like Johnny Cash, Elvis Presley, Carl Perkins and Jerry Lee Lewis combined the styles of hillbilly country with the 1950s R&B sound created by artists like Muddy Waters, B.B. King, Fats Domino and Ike Turner, and changed the course of music forever.