Què esperar quan s'està esperant

Què esperar quan s'està esperant 2012


Adaptació del llibre més popular sobre embaràs. Quatre parelles estan a punt de conèixer les emocions, els temors i els maldecaps que suposa ser pares.


Atracció fatal

Atracció fatal 1987


Mentre la seva dona i la seva filla passen el cap de setmana fora de casa, en Dan té una aventura amb l'Alex, una companya de feina. Però el que per a ell no és res més que una excitant passatemps, per a ella és molt més. Per això, quan Dan li comunica que vol deixar de veure-la, embogeix.


Vestida per matar

Vestida per matar 1980


Kate Miller és una atractiva dona, insatisfeta sexualment, a qui assassinen en un ascensor després de sortir de la primera sessió amb el psiquiatre Robert Elliott. Liz Blake, una jove prostituta, és testimoni del crim i decideix intentar aturar el culpable amb l?ajuda de Peter, el fill de la víctima.


Jacuzzi al passat

Jacuzzi al passat 2010


Tres amics de l'institut que fa temps que no es veuen decideixen passar un cap de setmana en un hotel de muntanya on van estar 20 anys abans i del qual guarden un record inoblidable. Quan arriben al lloc s'adonen que res és com recordaven, però tot canvia quan decideixen tastar el jacuzzi i descobreixen que és una màquina del temps, que els transporta fins als anys 80, concretament al 1986. Inicialment creuran que han de fer exactament ho mateix que van fer anteriorment, però després s'adonaran que estan davant d'una oportunitat única de canviar les seves vides. Només hi ha un petit problema: el futur no és tan senzill de modificar com pensen ...



Trainwreck 2015


Des de petita, l'Amy ha sentit el seu pare dir que la monogàmia no és un estat realista. La periodista viu d'acord amb les creences del pare, gaudint d'una vida sense lligams, lliure d'avorrides promeses romàntiques. Tot i això, ha arribat a un punt mort. Quan descobreix que s'està enamorant de l'home a qui dedica un article, un encantador i exitós metge esportiu anomenat Aaron Conners, l'Amy es replanteja les creences i l'estil de vida.


Embolic compromès

Embolic compromès 2007


Allison Scott és una periodista prometedora de 24 anys. Tot i això, després d'una nit de gresca amb el gandul de Ben Stone, descobreix que està embarassada. Davant el dilema d'enfrontar-se sola a la maternitat o bé conèixer millor el pare, opta pel segon. Tot i que Ben és una persona immadura, decideix afrontar la seva responsabilitat. El pitjor és que tant ell com Allison no triguen a adonar-se que són incompatibles. A sobre de mals, l'únic exemple de joves pares que coneixen són Debbie, l'angoixada germana d'Allison, i el calçasses de Pete. En qualsevol cas, tenen nou mesos per decidir-ho.


La boda de la meva nòvia

La boda de la meva nòvia 2008


Per a Tom, la vida és meravellosa: és un triomfador a la feina i també amb les dones i té una boníssima amiga en qui confiar, l'encantadora Hannah. Però un dia, l'Hannah ha de fer un viatge llarg i aleshores Tom se n'adona de la buidor que experimenta sense ella. Decideix demanar-li que es casin quan ella torni, però el problema és que l'Hannah arriba i li explica que s'ha promès amb un altre...


How to Be Single

How to Be Single 2016


Hi ha una manera correcta de ser soltera, i una d'equivocada, i després... està l'Alice. Nova York està plena de cors solitaris i tots tenen en comú la necessitat d'aprendre a ser solters en un món ple de definicions de l'amor.


Passo de tu

Passo de tu 2008


Peter Bretter (Jason Segel) és un compositor que està fet pols des que Sarah Marshall (Kristen Bell), la seva xicota durant cinc anys, l'abandona. El seu mig germà Brian (Bill Hader) li suggereix que se'n vagi de viatge a Hawaii per aixecar l'ànim. A Peter li agrada la idea i viatja a un centre turístic a l'illa d'Oahu. Tan aviat com s'acaba de registrar a l'hotel, veu Sarah amb el seu nou xicot, el rocker britànic Aldous Snow (Russell Brand). Peter torna a enfonsar-se a la misèria, i només aconsegueix aixecar el cap gràcies a Rachel (Mila Kunis), una empleada de l'hotel.


Bridget Jones’ baby

Bridget Jones’ baby 2016


Després de trencar amb Mark Darcy, Bridget Jones, soltera de nou i amb els quaranta acabats de complir, decideix centrar-se en la faena i els amics. Per una vegada, sembla que ho té tot sota control. Però la seua vida amorosa pren una nova direcció quan coneix l'elegant americà Jack, un galant que té tot el que no té el Sr. Darcy. Aleshores, descobreix que està embarassada, però no sap amb certesa qui és el pare dels dos.


Alguna cosa prestada

Alguna cosa prestada 2011


Hi ha una fina línia entre l'amor i l'amistat. Darcy i Rachel són dues bones amigues de Manhattan, i la seva amistat es posa a prova quan la Rachel, la nit del 30 aniversari, té una aventura inesperada amb l'home dels seus somnis, en Dex. El problema és que Dex, casualment... és el promès de la Darcy. Pocs dies abans del casament del Dex i la Darcy, la Rachel es debatrà entre salvaguardar la seva amistat amb la Darcy o apostar pel que creu que és l'amor de la seva vida.


Una nòvia per a dos

Una nòvia per a dos 2008


Tank és un jove seductor especialitzat a ofendre i humiliar les dones. Per aquest motiu, homes abandonats per les seves xicotes el contracten. El mètode és senzill: Tank concerta una cita amb l'antiga xicota de l'home que el contracta i utilitza tots els seus recursos perquè la trobada resulti tan negativa per a la dona que, desencisada, decideixi tornar amb el seu ex. Tot va bé fins que Dustin, el millor amic de Tank, el contracta per recuperar l'Alexis. Però resulta que, per primer cop, Tank s'enamora de la noia i, per compte de fer-li passar la pitjor nit de la seva vida, la sedueix, sense pensar en les conseqüències.


No Matter What

No Matter What 2020


A family drama around a flower shop filled with beautiful flowers 365 days in a year, that depicts the story of children who experienced parental divorce and remarriage, and grew up fighting in a world of prejudice and fiercely overcoming difficulties from work and love.


The Girlfriend Experience

The Girlfriend Experience 2016


Explore the relationships between exclusive escorts and their clients, for whom they provide far more than just sex. Known as GFEs, they are women who provide “The Girlfriend Experience”—emotional and sexual relationships at a very high price.


My Secret Romance

My Secret Romance 2017


After sharing a night with Cha Jinwook, Lee Yumi departs, never to see him again. Three years later, she achieves her goal of becoming a nutritionist.


Love at First Night

Love at First Night 2024


Mueang, an outspoken eco-warrior geologist, and Apo, a distressed architect, share a passionate night. Later, Mueang learns she’s his father’s fiancée, leading to one big “it’s complicated” romance.


Fated to Love You

Fated to Love You 2008


Fated to Love You, also known as You're My Destiny, Sticky Note Girl or Destiny Love, is a 2008 Taiwanese drama starring Joe Chen, Ethan Juan, Baron Chen and Bianca Bai. It was produced by Sanlih E-Television and directed by Chen Ming Zhang with location filming in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Shanghai. It holds the record for the highest average single-episode rating at 10.91 with a peak at 13.64 for episode 20 broadcast on 27 July 2008, and broke the previous record held by The Prince Who Turns Into a Frog. The series was first broadcast in Taiwan on free-to-air Taiwan Television from 16 March 2008 to 24 August 2008, every Sunday at 22:00 and cable TV Sanlih E-Television from 22 March 2008 to 30 August 2008, every Saturday at 21:00. Fated to Love You was nominated in 2008 for six awards at the 43rd Golden Bell Awards, Taiwan. It was awarded the 2008 Best Television Series and Best Marketing Programme. Fated to Love You is now aired on Saturday's on Hawaii's KIKU Television at 8:00.


Loving, Never Forgetting

Loving, Never Forgetting 2014


She first met him when the blooming lotus flower was falling, only to have to part ways. Years later, when they reunited, Li Zhong Mou had all but forgotten of Wu Tong's existence, leaving her forlorn, except the only thing he wants now from her is the guardianship to their son. 7 years long years together, can they fix their broken relationship?


Midnight Series: Moonlight Chicken

Midnight Series: Moonlight Chicken 2023


Jim is an ordinary guy running a Hainanese chicken rice diner. One night, he meets breezy Wen when he stays past closing drunk. Brought together by fate that night, intangible feelings arise. Neither can stop thinking about the other despite Jim's efforts to remain unattached.


Flash Marriage

Flash Marriage 2022


After a one-night stand with Pokpong, a male dancer Lalin meets at her friend's bachelorette party, Lalin decides to hire him. The job is simple; Pokpong is to marry Lalin for a few months so she can prove to her family that she deserves to be the heiress of her father's company. Things start to change when Lalin discovers there is more to Pokpong, than just a one-night stand.



Pauline 2024


Pauline gets pregnant after a one-night stand with Lukas. Something is very wrong with the pregnancy. When Luke reveals that he is the son of the devil incarnate and heir to hell, nothing is ever the same again. Between the fronts of demons and angels, Pauline's pregnancy also gives her supernatural abilities. She becomes the decisive force in the epic battle between good and evil.


I Love You

I Love You 2008


Suk Chul Soo and Na Young Hee are a newly wedded couple with an age gap of 14 years. This is a drama that tells the story of a couple who just had a baby because of a one night stand. It will portray the modern generation's view on love and marriage as well as the responsibility of raising a child. Park Byung Ho was thoughtless and threw away his child for a better income and life who later regrets this and learns to love.


You Are My Makeup Artist

You Are My Makeup Artist 2022


After a celebrity discovers her wealthy fiancé has been unfaithful, she has a drunken one-night stand with her makeup artist and risks her reputation.


Oops! Mr.Superstar Hit on Me

Oops! Mr.Superstar Hit on Me 2022


40-year-old Ton Narubase is a very popular celebrity, dubbed as "The Heart of Asia" and draped in fame and admiration even to this day. He is also Cake's mum's most favourite star. So when Cake gets a job as an intern in his entertainment company, Cake's mum makes a point to ask her daughter to get an autograph from her idol. But how does Cake go from getting an autograph for her mum to waking up the next morning, naked and in bed with her mum's idol? Can loving someone who is not only 20 years older than you but also a bigshot celebrity, actually work out?


Ending Again

Ending Again 2020


Romance of a contract marriage. Those, who decided not to marry, get married to take the newlywed loan.


You Drive Me Crazy

You Drive Me Crazy 2018


Love at first sight is such a wonderful idea. However, how many of us have experienced it in real life? The answer is "rarely". If anything, we have mostly seen those occurrences in dramas. Why bother making another drama where a man and a woman cross paths coincidentally and suddenly fall in love? Therefore, this drama plans to show the viewers something more relatable - love that blooms in our everyday lives. This drama shows how a familiar relationship turns into a fluttering relationship, how a friendship suddenly turns into love, and how a once dull life suddenly becomes blinding due to love. This drama is about a man and a woman who have nothing more to share thanks to their completely different personalities. However, they have no idea whom they are in love with. Gradually, they rediscover themselves and reach out for love one step at a time.


Overnight Husband

Overnight Husband 2022


Chonpansa got pregnant with her son, Luk Prun, after a one night stand with an unknown man who she later suspected to be Chayut, the half-brother of Kasak. With that suspicion, Chonpansa goes out of her way to treat Chayut well, causing a misunderstanding for Kasak and making him think she's trying to get with his brother in order to promote her position. In trying to save his brother, Kasak took actions and announce his fake romantic relationship with Chonpansa, making her and Luk Prun move in with him.


惹上首席BOSS 第一季

惹上首席BOSS 第一季 2021


After a failed one-night stand, the bold woman secretly left, leaving behind a provocative message with a lipstick mark. The man, however, swore to find this woman. The next day, all the major media outlets released a ’Wanted’ notification at the same time. Tong Tian Ai was on her phone when she saw the notification, which made her face turn completely red. “Qin Jin Yang… the Qin Association President…“ Because of that lipstick mark, she had become the Chief Executive. (Source: Baka-Updates Manga) ~~ Adapted from the web comic "Fall in Love with My Trouble" (惹上首席总裁) by Yoolook (有鹿文化) and Li Zhi Zi Zi (荔枝吱吱).