Hotel Transsilvània 2

Hotel Transsilvània 2 2015


L'avi vampir està amoïnat perquè no s'acaba de veure si en Dennis ha sortit humà o vampir, i ja té cinc anys. Però potser això dels ullals tardans és una tradició familiar.


Dràcula de Bram Stoker

Dràcula de Bram Stoker 1992


La versió més propera a l'obra de Bram Stoker. Gran treball d'en Coppola. Riquesa de vestuaris i fotografia. Actuacions a l'alçada d'en Gary Oldman, Winona Ryder, Anthony Hopkins, Keanu Reeves, Cary Elwes, Monica Bellucci... El mític príncep Romanès, Vlad Dracul, torna al seu castell per adonar-se que la seva estimada, Elizabetha, induïda per la difusió de la falsa notícia de la seva mort al camp de batalla, ha comès suïcidi. La negativa de l'església a procurar la salvació de la seva ànima difunta, porta al príncep, boig de dolor, a revelar tota la seva ira contra Déu, per acabar transformant-se en Dràcula, un vampir-humà. Quatre-cents anys després, a Londres, Mina Murray, promesa de l'advocat Jonathan Harker, resulta ser la viva reencarnació de la princesa Romanesa. Dràcula viatjarà a la capital del Regne Unit, per intentar fer reviure el seu amor immortal.



Dràcula 1931


El comte Dràcula abandona els Carpats i es trasllada a Londres, portant-se com a servent a un comptable. Un cop instal·lat, s'enamora d'una jove que ja està promesa. Comença a visitar-la a les nits i va bevent la seva sang a poc a poc per convertir-la així en la seva dona. Però el malestar que pateix la noia alerta la seva família, que busca l'ajuda del doctor Van Helsing.


Count Duckula

Count Duckula 1988


Count Duckula is a vegetarian vampire duck, coming into the world as an accident. Unlike his family and ancestors, he has no bloodlust, as when he was reincarnated, blood was omitted and replaced with ketchup.


Hotel Transylvania: The Series

Hotel Transylvania: The Series 2017


Mavis navigates life without her dad, Dracula, around and discovers one of the few common human and monster truths: being a teenager bites.



Dracula 2020


Transylvania, 1897. The blood-drinking Count Dracula is drawing his plans against Victorian London. And be warned: the dead travel fast.


Fairy garden

Fairy garden 2023


Gábor Báthory was the ruler of Principality of Transylvania from 1608 to 1613. The infamous Elisabeth Báthory was his relative. The young Báthory is daring handsome and the idol of women, and triumphantly acquires the throne of Transylvania. The young ruler is the hope of the Transylvanian people, who have long suffered from wars. However, the ambitious Báthory pursues glory. He turns into a deranged tyrant, his best friend, the wise Gábor Bethlen, also becomes his mortal enemy and infuriates the neighboring great powers. Huge armies of the Ottomans, Wallachians, Poles, Hungarians and Cossacks attack Transylvania because of Báthory's adventurism.


Transylvanian Legendarium

Transylvanian Legendarium 2020


Zete and Rika, with the help of Grandpa, are plunged into the secret world of székely (szekler) legends.



Vampirina 1970


Follow a tween vampire girl who leaves the safety of Transylvania to attend a performing arts boarding school. Living amongst humans for the first time, she pursues her passion for music while keeping her vampire secret, something that’s made more challenging when her overprotective father charges an overzealous ghost to live with her at the school.


Black March of Târgu Mureș

Black March of Târgu Mureș 2010


The series covers the events of the ethnic clashes in Târgu Mures after the fall of the communist regime. The author has arranged the written and film material collected by the Dr. Bernády György Foundation in chronological order. The archival photos showing the important events of the five days, the moments that created the revolutionary atmosphere, are complemented by the recollections of Hungarians and Romanians, and official statements.