La núvia cadàver

La núvia cadàver 2005


Ambientada en un poblet europeu en el segle XIX, aquesta pel·lícula d'animació fotograma a fotograma conta la història de Victor (a qui posa veu Johnny Depp), un jove que és portat de sobte a l'infern, on es casa amb una misteriosa Núvia Cadàver (amb la veu d'Hel·lena Bonham Carter), mentre que la seva vertadera núvia, Victòria (a qui posa veu Emily Watson) espera en el món dels vius. Malgrat que la terra dels morts resulta ser més colorista que la seva estricta educació victoriana, Victor aprèn que no hi ha res en aquest món, ni en el següent, que pugui separar-lo del seu únic i vertader amor.


La dona rei

La dona rei 2022


La història de l'Agojie, la unitat de guerrers totalment femenina que va protegir el regne africà de Dahomey als segles XVIII i XIX. Inspirada en fets reals. Nanisca, general de la unitat, i Nawi, una recluta ambiciosa, van lluitar juntes contra enemics que van violar el seu honor, van esclavitzar la seva gent i van amenaçar de destruir tot pel que havien viscut.


Les amistats perilloses

Les amistats perilloses 1988


França, segle XVIII. La perversa i fascinant Marquesa de Merteuil planeja venjar-se del seu darrer amant amb l'ajuda del seu vell amic el Vescomte de Valmont, un seductor tan amoral i depravat com ella. Una virtuosa dona casada, Madame de Tourvel, de la qual Valmont s'enamora, es veurà involucrada en les insidioses maquinacions de la marquesa.


Journey to Bethlehem

Journey to Bethlehem 2023


Una noia carrega amb una responsabilitat inimaginable. Un jove ha de triar entre amor i honor. Un rei gelós no s'aturarà davant de res per conservar la seva corona. Aventura musical que barreja melodies clàssiques i humor, fe i noves cançons pop en una renovada versió de la història de la Maria, en Josep i el naixement de Jesús.


Mulan 2

Mulan 2 2004


La llegenda de Mulan continua en aquesta nova aventura. La bella i valenta heroïna Mulán, sempre acompanyada pel seu drac guardià, Mushu i els seus nous amics, rep la notícia més emocionant de la seva vida quan el General Shang demana la mà en matrimoni, però les sorpreses acaben de començar... El entremaliat Mushu intentarà separar la feliç parella durant el temps que sigui possible per mantenir així la seva feina com a drac guardià. A més, Mulan i Shang hauran d'escortar per tota la Xina tres princeses que es dirigeixen a celebrar els seus respectius matrimonis, prèviament concertats. Quan Mulan descobreix que cap desitja aquests matrimonis prendrà una decisió que canviarà el curs de la història.


Maria Antonieta

Maria Antonieta 2006


Promesa al futur rei Lluís XVI, la ingènua Maria Antonieta és enviada als 14 anys a la opulenta cort francesa, plena de conspiracions i escàndols. Sola, sense guia i desorientada en un món perillós, la jove Maria Antonieta es rebel·la contra la aïllada atmosfera de Versalles i, en el procés, la jove princesa es converteix en la reina més incompresa de França, en mite i llegenda.


L’últim emperador

L’últim emperador 1987


Pequín, 1908. Pu Yi, un nen de tres anys, és designat emperador i no podrà sortir de la ciutat prohibida on viurà rodejat d'una cort sumptuosa. Pu Yi té un preceptor, l'escocès Reginald Johnston, que arriba a ser el seu millor amic. El 1922 Pu Yi es casa amb Wang Jung i agafa una concubina. Al cap de dos anys, Beny Yu Hsiang pren el poder i expulsa Pu Yi de la ciutat prohibida. El 1932 accepta ser l'emperador titella de Manxukuo, ex-Manxúria, envaïda pels japonesos. Al final de la guerra és jutjat com a criminal de guerra.


El piano

El piano 1993


1851. L'Ada és una dona muda des dels sis anys que només es comunica a través de la música i de la seva filla, Flora. Un matrimoni concertat l’obliga a deixar la seva Escòcia natal acompanyada de la filla i el piano. El seu destí és Nova Zelanda, on l’espera l'Stewart, un granger amb qui no té res en comú. El seu patiment augmenta quan el seu marit ven el piano all seu veí George. Però l'Ada aconseguirà continuar tocant a canvi de fer classes en George.


El Gattopardo

El Gattopardo 1963


Durant la unificació italiana, la invasió de Sicília per part de les tropes de Garibaldi porta el Príncep de Salina i la seva família a refugiar-se a la casa de camp que tenen a Donnafugata. Tanmateix, el príncep és conscient que els temps estan canviant i, per tal de preservar la posició social de la família, empara el matrimoni del seu nebot amb la filla del nou alcalde del poble: un nou-ric de tendències liberals.


Plans de boda

Plans de boda 2001


Mary Fiore (Jennifer Lopez) és la més prestigiosa organitzadora de casaments de San Francisco. Està tan ocupada a fer realitat els somnis dels altres, que no té temps per ocupar-se de la pròpia vida. Un dia, per casualitat, coneix un aposto mèdic que li salva la vida i del qual es queda enamorada. El pitjor és que resulta ser el seu proper client.



Indoxina 1992


Melodrama romàntic, ambientat a la Indoxina francesa durant els anys trenta, que narra els canvis que van portar a la creació de Vietnam a partir de les ruïnes del colonialisme. A l'hora de ser elegida millor pel·lícula estrangera va tenir molt de pes la interpretació de la prestigiosa actriu Catherine Deneuve, que va ser nominada a l'Oscar. Una dona elegant d'ascendència francesa, propietària d'una plantació de cautxú, té dos grans amors: la seva filla adoptiva i el país on viu.


Harold i Maude

Harold i Maude 1971


En Harold és un jove adinerat que viu amb la seva dominant mare una existència ociosa i insulsa. Obsessionat amb la mort, els seus passatemps favorits són experimentar les múltiples maneres de suïcidar-se i l'assistència a funerals de persones desconegudes. En una d'aquestes cerimònies troba la Maude, una anciana excèntrica que li descobrirà una nova manera de veure el món i l'ajudarà a viure la vida al màxim. Mentrestant, la mare d'en Harold decideix redreçar la conducta del seu fill i li organitzarà una sèrie de trobades amb noies de la seva edat.


Retorn a casa

Retorn a casa 2014


Lu Yanshi, pres polític, és alliberat a la fi de la Revolució cultural. Quan arriba a casa, descobreix que la seva dona pateix amnèsia; no el reconeix i segueix esperant el retorn del seu marit sense veure que el té al costat.



Ranma1/2 2024


Akane Tendo meets her new fiancé, Ranma Saotome, a martial arts prodigy with a twist: he magically transforms into a girl upon touching cold water.


My Happy Marriage

My Happy Marriage 2023


Miyo's abusive family deems her worthless – but together with her powerful husband-to-be, her true self and hidden powers slowly begin to shine.



Reign 2013


Mary, Queen of Scots, faces political and sexual intrigue in the treacherous world of the French court.


Melody of Golden Age

Melody of Golden Age 2024


It tells the story of a pair of mortal enemies who accidentally became a couple but fell in love with each other in a series of bizarre cases and finally chose to fight side by side.


Gourmet in Tang Dynasty

Gourmet in Tang Dynasty 2021


No matter how bad things got, Xiao Xiao took comfort in knowing that food would always be there to comfort her. There’s just one problem with loving food. When you live in a world where being slim is hailed as the ultimate standard of beauty, an intense passion for food feels a bit like a curse. Which is why, on more than one occasion, Xiao Xiao has wished she could have lived during the time of the Tang Dynasty, where plump women were considered to be the epitome of beauty. Tired of being harassed about her size, Xiao Xiao wishes with all her heart that she could transport back in time. Little does she know, her wishes are about to come true! After passing out in the modern world, Xiao Xiao finds herself possessing the body of Yuan Wan Er, a painfully thin Tang Dynasty girl whose frail form has kept away all the potential suitors away.


The Rebel Princess

The Rebel Princess 2021


Wang Xuan and Xiao Qi strike a deal for the sake of power. They marry first before falling in love and join hands to protect their homeland. She is a woman who is no less than any man while he rose from humble beginnings. The imperial family has become rotten to the core. The nobles are lavish with no regard for the people. Princess Wang Xuan and her childhood sweetheart, the third prince, become pawns of a prophecy that states, "to acquire thee is to obtain the world." Being pulled into the matters of the court, Wang Xuan is married off by her father to Xiao Qi who comes from a poor family. On the night of their wedding, Xiao Qi is forced to leave the capital. Wang Xuan is shamed and discouraged. The Helan Prince kidnaps Wang Xuan in order to seek revenge on Xiao Qi. The crisis they face becomes a blessing in disguise for the couple. Wang Xuan is moved and inspired by Xiao Qi's wish to bring peace and prosperity to the nation and they fall in love.


Eternal Love

Eternal Love 2017


Three hundred years ago, Bai Qian stood on the Zhu Xian Terrace, turned around and jumped off without regret. Ye Hua stood by the bronze mirror to witness with his own eyes her death. Three hundred years later, in the East Sea Dragon Palace, the two meet unexpectedly. Another lifetime another world, after suffering betrayal Bai Qian no longer feels anything, yet she can't seem to comprehend Ye Hua's actions. Three lives three worlds, her and him, are they fated to love again?


Here Is My Exclusive Indulge

Here Is My Exclusive Indulge 2021


It tells the sweet romance between Fu Sihan, the domineering CEO with a disability, and Yun Xiangxiang who gets a chance to restart her life and get back at her enemies. In her previous life, Yun Xiangxiang and her mother lost everything after falling victim to the schemes of her father's mistress and illegitimate daughter. Yun Xiangxiang gets a second chance when she is reborn on the day that her mother was supposed to die. In order to change their tragic fate, she starts on the sweet road of revenge. This time around, she encounters Fu Sihan. Even though he has a disability and sits in a wheelchair, there is no hiding his imposing presence as a powerful executive. His appearance in her life has just made her journey a lot smoother.


Suno Chanda

Suno Chanda 2018


The series revolves around two people who hate each other but their families want them to marry. They make some plans to cancel their wedding but slowly get in love.


One and Only

One and Only 2021


Zhou Sheng Chen was raised by his brother, the Emperor, until the age of thirteen, when he set out to defend the border and establish himself as a loyal and accomplished general. Cui Shi Yi, the well-read daughter of an esteemed family, has been betrothed to the Crown Prince since birth. However, political scheming and tragic events result in Cui Shi Yi falling mute, her former fiance becoming a child Emperor, and Zhou Sheng Chen returning to the capital amidst a cloud of political turmoil.


Intense Love

Intense Love 2020


A love story between a genius doctor and an actress who are two people who both refuse to have their marriage arranged by their parents, yet realize that love is destined.


Ready, Set, Love

Ready, Set, Love 2024


In a world grappling with a dwindling male population, an unassuming woman becomes a contender in a government-sponsored dating competition.


The Rich Son

The Rich Son 2018


Lee Gwang Jae is the son of a rich family who is reckless and immature. His father dies and leaves behind large debts. Gwang Jae promises to pay off his debt for his father's honor, but it's not as easy as he thinks. Kim Young Ha supports Gwang Jae with her positive personality and love, giving encouragement to him whenever he needs it.


New Life Begins

New Life Begins 2022


Because of a marriage election, girls from all over the world gather in Xinchuan. Yin Zheng, the sixth young master of Xinchuan, and Li Wei, who only wants to lose the election and live comfortably in her hometown, accidentally meet. There, a new interesting and fun chapter of their lives start. As Yin Zheng opens his house and goes to court, the two of them gradually grow closer, and spend everyday through all four seasons together. They grow together with other siblings of different personalities and fates, writing the warm daily life of the Xinchuan family together.


The Sword and The Brocade

The Sword and The Brocade 2021


Despite being born with low status, Luo Shiyiniang is extremely assertive and believes that a woman's vision should not be limited to the household. She hopes to rely on her embroidery skills as a ticket to freedom. However, the once-esteemed Luo family is in a state of decline. Hoping to save the clan through a marriage alliance, Shiyiniang is selected to become the wife of Yongping Duke and great general Xu Lingyi. Things were not easy for Shiyiniang due to the Xu family's biases towards her. Nonetheless, she manages to win their trust through her optimism and sincerity. Xu Lingyi also becomes attracted to Shiyiniang's various beautiful qualities such that husband and wife find love after marriage.


My Mischievous Fiancée

My Mischievous Fiancée 2021


Lomdao is supposed to marry Param, but she refuses, since she’s never met him and doesn’t know what he’s like. So she disguises herself as Fai Dam, Param’s family’s new cook. Param soon becomes suspicious of her and It’s just a matter of time before he discovers she’s his fiancée. Slowly, the two fall in love.


The Princess Bodyguard’s Love

The Princess Bodyguard’s Love 2023


Meika is the heiress to a massive estate, called the Sanjou Empire. With her high school graduation, she is to marry her bodyguard Akira, and she is starting to think her actual budding romantic feelings are pointing elsewhere, but can that really be true?!


The Song of Glory

The Song of Glory 2020


During the Liu Song dynasty, powerful aristocrats have taken control of the government, throwing the country into chaos. To change this, Chancellor Liu Yikang (Qin Hao) introduces new policies for political reform. To break the alliance between the aristocrats, Liu Yikang enters into a marriage alliance with the Shen family, who has roots in the military. His fiancé turns out to be Shen Lige (Li Qin), whom he has previously met at a dance house. After marriage, Li Ge assists Liu Yikang in dealing with their political opponents and implementing new policies. However, in response, the aristocrats ally together to suppress Li Ge and the Shen family, who is later massacred. Pained by her loss, Li Ge vows to take revenge for her family.


Kitchen Knife and Green Chili Pepper

Kitchen Knife and Green Chili Pepper 2023


In Kyoto, soon after the war, Ichika strives to save her family's long established ryoten restaurant from financial crisis. In order to do so, she marries Yamaguchi Amane, who is 15 years younger, in a marriage of convenience.