El senyor de les mosques

El senyor de les mosques 1963


Durant la II Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), un avió sense distintiu és derrocat. A bord hi ha diverses desenes de nens britànics d'edats compreses entre els sis i els dotze anys. L'aparell cau en una illa deserta, aïllada de qualsevol vestigi de civilització. Cap adult no sobreviu, de manera que els nois es troben, de sobte, sols i es veuran obligats a aguditzar el seu enginy ia prendre decisions si volen sobreviure en circumstàncies tan adverses.


How to Build

How to Build 2010


Britain's iconic and 'secretive' engineering companies reveal how they build the world's most amazing machines. The first part of the series "How to build a nuclear submarine" a documentary following the construction of the Astute nuclear submarine. The second part of the series "How to build a jumbo jet engine", the story of the thousands of people who design, build and test engines at Rolls-Royce’s manufacturing plants in Derby and across the UK, making Rolls-Royce a central part of life for the people of places like Derby. The third and final part of the series "How to build Britain's secret engineers" when the documentary team follows workers at a leading British company on a global journey, as they reveal a handful of their secretive projects including getting Chinook helicopters ready for front line service.


21st Century Jet: The Building of the 777

21st Century Jet: The Building of the 777 1996


The Boeing Company develops their most technically advanced aircraft: the 777. From corporate conference rooms to factory floors, its extensive testing and first commercial flight, more than 10,000 people were involved in the creation of the new plane, assembled with parts from all over the world.