
V3njança 2014


Tercer lliurament de la trilogia iniciada el 2008 amb 'Venjança' i que compta amb una seqüela el 2012 sota el títol 'Venjança: Connexió Istambul', on Liam Neeson torna a ficar-se a la pell de Bryan, un espia retirat que no dubtarà a fer el que sigui necessari a favor de la justícia i la supervivència.


Una dona difícil

Una dona difícil 2004


Després de la mort dels dos fills en un accident, el matrimoni de Ted (Bridges), un autor de llibres infantils, i Marion (Basinger) comença a anar malament. Ni tan sols el naixement de la seva filla Ruth (Elle Fanning) aconsegueix que Marion superi el dolor. Tant és així que, de fet, viuen separats, encara que guardant les aparences. A més, Ted té nombroses aventures. Un estiu contracta com a secretari un jove (Jon Foster) que s'assembla molt a un dels seus fills. Marion simpatitza molt amb ell, i ell se n'enamora.


New York, New York

New York, New York 1977


Jimmy és un saxofonista impetuós i seductor que aspira a formar part d'una gran banda. Francine és una tímida cantant de bar que somia ser famosa. Quan es coneixen, sorgeix entre ells una atracció immediata i, quan ell toca i ella canta, aconsegueixen fer tremolar els gratacels. És el començament d'una tempestuosa relació que posarà a prova la seva capacitat per trobar l'equilibri entre la passió pel jazz i l'amor que els uneix.


Aprenent a conduir

Aprenent a conduir 2014


La Wendy, una escriptora de Manhattan que decideix treure's el permís de conduir mentre el seu matrimoni es dissol. Per això, fa classes amb Darwan, un refugiat polític que es guanya la vida com a taxista i instructor en una autoescola.


La dona de Txaikovski

La dona de Txaikovski 2022


La controvertida pel·lícula presentada a Cannes que Vladimir Putin no vol que vegis. El polèmic cineasta Kirill Serebrennikov aborda un dels grans tabús de la història de Rússia, l'homosexualitat de Txaikovski a través de la figura de la seva infeliç esposa. Rússia, segle XIX. Antonina Miliukova, jove acomodada i brillant, es casa amb el compositor Piotr Txaikovski. Però l'amor que sent per ell es torna una obsessió, i la jove es topa amb un rebuig vehement. Consumida pels seus sentiments, Antonina serà capaç de suportar-ho tot amb la condició de romandre al seu costat.


Hotel Internacional

Hotel Internacional 1963


Frances, la dona del magnat financer Paul Andros, es dirigeix ​​a l'aeroport per començar les vacances a Jamaica. Paul té fama de convertir en diners tot allò que toca, però no ha sabut guanyar-se l'amor de la seva dona. La boira cada cop es fa més intensa a l'aeroport i els passatgers han d'esperar a la sala...


L'amour fou

L'amour fou 1969


La relació entre un director de teatre i la seva esposa i actriu es deterioren a mesura que avancen els assajos de l’obra "Andròmaca", en què ambdós intervenen.


Matrimonial Chaos

Matrimonial Chaos 2018


Is marriage really the completion to love? This comedy drama begins with this question and defines the difference in thought between men and women about love, marriage and family.


My Dear Exes

My Dear Exes 2021


Omameda Towako recently become the president of the construction company "Shirokuma Housing". She has experienced three divorces and is currently living with her 15-year-old daughter, Uta. Although Towako has been divorced thrice, she remains bright and lives her life strongly. However, her life is constantly disrupted by her three troublemaker ex-husbands.


Tree in the River

Tree in the River 2018


Chu Zhi He who's a goodie two shoes and Wang Da Shu who has a personality that is rigid and sturdy like a tree learn to grow together as they fall in love. Like the show's namesake, animal behavior is quite representative of human nature. Take the giraffe and the squirrel for example, they are a metaphor for two very different people who find a way to coexist.


Strangers Again

Strangers Again 2023


It follows an ex-married couple who are both lawyers that specialize in divorce. They find themselves working together as colleagues dealing with cases related to divorce and relationships.


Goodbye, My Love

Goodbye, My Love 2020


Is it a perfect marriage or a perfect act? A woman's life starts to crumble when she starts to realize that her husband is having an affair. Power couple Zhang Yi and Zhang Xin are the envy of everyone in the field of architecture. After Zhang Yi became pregnant, Zhang Xin offers to resign and become a househusband. Years have passed and their daughter Xiao Xiao is now five years old. On the surface, Zhang Yi's career is on the rise and her family is a happy home. However, she never imagined that she was actually living in a cesspool of lies...


Say Again Yes I Do

Say Again Yes I Do 2014


Can you rush true love before its time? Shu Xinkui met Xiang Zhengyang four years ago and got married after a whirlwind romance of only a couple of months. But as the stress of married life sets in – trying to get used to each other’s habits and dealing with the extended in-laws – the young couple begins to bicker and ends up divorcing just six months into their marriage. Four years later, Xin Kui and Zheng Yang meet up again when they both start working together as managers-in-training at the same hotel. As the same chemistry they initially felt toward each other starts to brew, can Xinkui and Zhengyang make a relationship work the second time around?


Surviving Marriage

Surviving Marriage 2015


Married couples on the verge of divorce take part in an extreme form of therapy in hopes of saving their relationships. Akin to being locked in a room and told to work it out -- sort of -- one couple on each episode spend five days together on a secluded South Pacific island. Without modern conveniences and with limited access to food and water, the husband and wife have to rely on each other to survive the challenging conditions, including when they take part in physical and emotional exercises designed by marriage counselors. Guiding viewers are clinical psychologist Dr. Colleen Long and family therapist Tom Kersting, who explain how the participants are faring during the often-volatile journey. On the final day, the couple decide if they want to remain married or call it quits.