
Titanic 1997


Durant les tasques de recuperació de les restes del famós Titanic, una dona gran nord-americana es posa en contacte amb l'expedició per acudir a una plataforma flotant instal·lada al Mar del Nord i assistir 'in situ' a la recuperació dels seus records. A través de la seva memòria reviurem els esdeveniments que van marcar el sinistre més famós del segle XX: l'enfonsament del transatlàntic més luxós del món, la màquina més sofisticada del seu temps, considerada «insubmergible», que va sucumbir a les glaçades aigües de l'Atlàntic a l'abril de 1912, emportant-se la vida de mil cinc-centes persones, més de la meitat del passatge. Als recueros de l'anciana hi ha cabuda per a alguna cosa més que la tragèdia, la història d'amor que va viure amb un jove passatger de tercera classe, un pintor aficionat que havia guanyat el passatge en una partida les cartes en una taverna de Southampton.



Paràsits 2019


Tant Gi Taek com la seva família estan sense feina. Quan el seu fill gran, Gi Woo, comença a rebre classes particulars a casa de Park, les dues famílies, que tenen molt en comú malgrat pertànyer a dos mons totalment diferents, comencen una interrelació de resultats imprevisibles.


Dirty dancing

Dirty dancing 1987


Estiu de 1963. La Baby, una noia idealista de família benestant, acompanya els pares i la germana al complex turístic Kellerman, on passaran les vacances. Entre les activitats dels estiuejants hi ha la possibilitat de rebre lliçons de ball supervisades per una parella d'instructors, en Johnny i la Penny. Més enllà de les massificades classes de "merengue" que reben els adults, la Baby descobreix a les festes secretes del personal un món diferent de balls excitants i provocatius. Tot i que no es permet que els treballadors es relacionin amb els clients, la Baby i en Johnny de seguida sentiran una forta atracció mútua.


El triangle de la tristesa

El triangle de la tristesa 2022


Després de la Setmana de la moda, una parella de models i influenciadors, són convidats a un iot en un creuer de luxe. Mentre la tripulació brinda totes les atencions als rics convidats, el capità es nega a sortir de la seva cabina, malgrat l'arribada imminent del cèlebre sopar de gala. Els esdeveniments fan un gir inesperat quan s'aixeca una tempesta que posa en perill el confort dels passatgers.


El club dels sonats

El club dels sonats 1980


En un exclusiu club de camp, un caddy jove i ambiciós, Danny Noonan, persegueix amb avidesa una beca caddy amb l'esperança d'assistir a la universitat i, alhora, evitar una feina a la serradora. Per tenir èxit, primer ha de guanyar el favor del Jutge Smails, i després el torneig de golf caddy que Smails patrocina.


Va passar a Manhattan

Va passar a Manhattan 2002


La Marisa és una mare soltera treballadora, intel·ligent i decidida, que somia a aconseguir una vida millor. Mentre es deixa la pell treballant com a serventa en un hotel de primera classe, el Beresford Hotel de Manhattan, queda corpresa de Christopher, un polític en auge que, en veure-la, la confon per una més dels hostes d’alta societat de l’hotel. Enmig d’aquest enamorament, d’identitats equívoques i tafaneria de primera pàgina, Marisa i Christopher aprenen que com més ambiciosos siguin els teus somnis, més oportunitats tindràs de fer-los realitat.



Burning 2018


Un noi es retroba casualment amb una amiga de la infància. Ell s'enamora però ella marxa de viatge i, quan torna, ho fa acompanyada d'un noi adinerat i enigmàtic.


Love Story

Love Story 1970


Història d’amor de dos universitaris de Harvard que pertanyen a classes socials molt diferents. L’Oliver Barrett IV és fill d’un poderós banquer, mentre que el pare de la Jenny és un humil emigrant italià. Tot i això, s’enamoren, però una malaltia els enfrontarà a una cosa molt més greu que les diferències socials.


My Fair Lady

My Fair Lady 1964


Versió cinematogràfica del mite de Pigmalió inspirada en l'obra teatral homònima de l'escriptor irlandès G.B. Shaw. En una plujosa nit del 1912, l'excèntric i snob lingüista Henry Higgins coneix Eliza Doolittle, una esparracada i ordinària venedora de violetes. El vulgar llenguatge de la florista desperta tant el seu interès que fa una aposta arriscada amb el seu amic, el coronel Pickering: es compromet a ensenyar-lo a parlar correctament l'anglès ia fer-la passar per una dama de l'alta societat en un termini de sis mesos.


Dies del cel

Dies del cel 1978


Bill i Abby, una jove parella, decideixen abandonar la pobresa i la dura vida que porten al Chicago del 1916. Tots dos i Linda, la germana de Bill, viatgen cap a les grans camps de blat de Texas, on troben feina com a bracers a una granja. Recollida la collita, el jove i ben patró, a qui fan creure que tots tres són germans, els demana que es quedin perquè s'ha enamorat d'Abby.


Un amor entre dos mons

Un amor entre dos mons 2012


L'Adam és un tipus aparentment normal, en un univers extraordinari, que viu humilment provant de guanyar-se la vida, però el seu esperit romàntic s'aferra als records d'una dona d'un altre món que va estimar temps enrere: una noia anomenada Eden d'un món amb la seva pròpia gravetat, però fora del seu abast. El seu coqueteig de la infància es converteix en un amor impossible, però quan veu l'Eden ja adulta a la televisió després de molts anys sense saber res d'ella, començarà un camí per aconseguir-la en el qual res podrà evitar-ho...


Gossip Girl

Gossip Girl 2007


An exclusive group of privileged teens from a posh prep school on Manhattan's Upper East Side whose lives revolve around the blog of the all-knowing albeit ultra-secretive Gossip Girl.



Rebelde 2004


Six teenagers with different lives and personalities attend a prominent private school with only one thing in common: their vocation and passion for music.


Clase 406

Clase 406 2002


The realistic chronicles of a working class group of Hispanic youth, with heavy subject matter like sex, drug dealing, teen pregnancy, abuse, drinking, rape, deception, and heartbreak.


La Doña

La Doña 2016


A story of revenge and ambition, seduction and betrayal; all told from the perspective of an offended and abused woman named Altagracia. Altagracia represents the hundreds of thousands of Mexican women who have been victims of the violence by faceless men who are protected by impunity. But Altagracia, transformed into a strong-willed, ruthless man-eater known as La Doña, will seek out each and every one of these men to bring them to justice.


The Golden Spoon

The Golden Spoon 2022


Would you trade your poor but loving family for a life of riches? When Seung Cheon gets his hands on a magical spoon that allows him to switch lives with his rich best friend, he thinks it’s a no-brainer. But life-altering decisions are always accompanied by a sense of doubt, and with only three chances to change his mind, Seung Cheon has to decide which of his two possible futures is worth keeping.


Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice 1995


Set in England in the early 19th century, Pride and Prejudice tells the story of Mr and Mrs Bennet's five unmarried daughters after the rich and eligible Mr Bingley and his status-conscious friend, Mr Darcy, have moved into their neighbourhood. While Bingley takes an immediate liking to the eldest Bennet daughter, Jane, Darcy has difficulty adapting to local society and repeatedly clashes with the second-eldest Bennet daughter, Elizabeth.



Prisoner 2004


Wrongfully accused of a crime she didn't commit, 13 year old Guadalupe Santos is sentenced to 30 years in jail, while in jail she gives birth to a baby girl who is taken from her by her older sister Milagros. 15 years later she escapes jail and meets with Daniel Moncada who turns out to be the brother of the man she was accused of killing.


It's All Relative

It's All Relative 2003


Bobby's a bartender and the only son of gregarious, salt-of-the-earth Irish Catholic parents from Boston. His fiancée, Liz, is a toney Harvard student and she's Protestant (no, that's not the problem). Liz has two dads, not one, and they're a worldly pair of well-heeled gay men.


Sense and Sensibility

Sense and Sensibility 2008


Marianne Dashwood wears her heart on her sleeve when she falls in love with the charming but unsuitable John Willoughby, ignoring her sister Elinor's warning that her impulsive behavior leaves her open to gossip and innuendo. Elinor, sensitive to social convention, struggles to conceal her own romantic disappointment, even from those closest to her. Will the sisters learn that sense must mix with sensibility if they are to find personal happiness in a society where status and money govern the rules of love?



Cranford 2007


A rich and comic drama about the people of Cranford, a small Cheshire town on the cusp of change in the 1840s. Adapted from the novels by Elizabeth Gaskell.


Indian Summers

Indian Summers 2015


Epic drama set in the summer of 1932 where India dreams of independence, but the British are clinging to power. Set against the sweeping grandeur of the Himalayas and tea plantations of Northern India, the drama tells the rich and explosive story of the decline of the British Empire and the birth of modern India, from both sides of the experience. At the heart of the story lie the implications and ramifications of the tangled web of passions, rivalries and clashes that define the lives of those brought together in this summer which will change everything.


High Seas

High Seas 2019


Two sisters discover disturbing family secrets after a string of mysterious deaths occur on a luxury ship traveling from Spain to Brazil in the 1940s.


Howards End

Howards End 2017


The social and class divisions in early 20th century England through the intersection of three families - the wealthy Wilcoxes, the gentle and idealistic Schlegels and the lower-middle class Basts.



Asfur 2010


Asfur is an Israeli television series, which is broadcast on the channel HOT3. Its title, which literally means "bird" in Arabic, is the main protagonist's "good luck bird" – his late grandfather believed that its arrival symbolized a positive turn of events. Hot had already started working on two additional seasons even before the television pilot was aired. Season two began airing on October 17, 2011. Savyon and Amir sold the format to John Wells in October 2011. The adaptation, named "Hard Up", will air on FOX.


Diff'rent Strokes

Diff'rent Strokes 1978


The series stars Gary Coleman and Todd Bridges as Arnold and Willis Jackson, two African American boys from Harlem who are taken in by a rich white Park Avenue businessman named Phillip Drummond and his daughter Kimberly, for whom their deceased mother previously worked. During the first season and first half of the second season, Charlotte Rae also starred as the Drummonds' housekeeper, Mrs. Garrett.


Room at the Top

Room at the Top 2012


Joe leaves working-class, industrial Dufton behind him and takes a job as senior audit clerk at the town hall in affluent Warley. He takes lodgings at the poshest part of the town and starts to make his mark on local society.


Love & Money

Love & Money 1999


In a swanky New York City apartment tower, the earnest young handyman, who lives in the basement, loves the shy heiress who lives in the penthouse. Separating this couple, more than just 20 stories of plush co-ops, is a slew of oddball relatives and millions of dollars in social prestige.


Dramatical Murder

Dramatical Murder 2014


Aoba lives on Midorijima, a small island to the southwest of the main islands of Japan. He lives with his grandmother Tae while working part time at a junk shop. The popular pastimes on the island are the ongoing turf war called "Libstease" and an online game set in the virtual world of "Rhyme." Aoba isn't involved in either, preferring to live peacefully, until one day he is forced into a Rhyme battle.


Hanayaka Nari, Waga Ichizoku: Kinetograph

Hanayaka Nari, Waga Ichizoku: Kinetograph 2012


A girl named Haru Asagi works as a maid for the Miyanomori family, which is headed by one of Japan's most powerful magnates. However, the family head suddenly announces that he is retiring, so one of his six sons must assume control of the family.


Upstairs Downstairs

Upstairs Downstairs 2010


Set in 1936, the show takes viewers, old and new, back to the lavish world of Belgravia, London. A new set of occupants reside at 165 Eaton Place and viewers see how external and internal influences of the tumultuous pre-war period shape and mould the lives of this wealthy family and their servants.‬