Paraula clau Meteorite
El gegant de ferro 1999
El 1957, a la petita localitat de Rockwell, algú ha vist com un enorme home metàl·lic queia al mar. Un imaginatiu nen descobreix que es tracta d'un robot gegant, que té una gana de metall insaciable. Entre tots dos neix una forta amistat, però el govern envia un agent per investigar els fets. El nen amaga el seu nou company a la ferrovelleria d'un amic. Però els habitants del poble comencen a sentir-se aterrits perquè creuen que és una nova amenaça en plena Guerra Freda.
Greenland 2020
Don't Look Up 2021
The Blob 1958
La bruta història de Joe Porc 2001
Joe Dirt és un innocent conserge d'estrany pentinat i texans rentats que encara té l'esperança de trobar els seus pares, a qui va perdre quan tenia vuit anys en una visita al Gran Canó. Durant la cerca, un locutor de ràdio el convida al seu programa per burlar-se'n, sense sospitar que les seves aventures ordinàries seran la delícia de l'audiència.
Color Out of Space 2019
Risen (La invasió) 2021
El desastre es produeix quan un meteor colpeja una petita ciutat i converteix l’entorn en inhabitable i matant tot el que hi ha als voltants. L’exobiòloga Lauren Stone està cridada per trobar respostes a l’esdeveniment sobrenatural. Quan comença a descobrir la veritat, el perill imminent es desperta i es converteix en una carrera contra el temps per salvar la humanitat.
The Curse 1987
Asteroid 1997
Gray Matter 2018
Stranded 2002
อมนุษย์ 2004
Murdercycle 1999
Target... Earth? 1980
Les Météorites 2019
Goodbye Earth 2024
As an asteroid hurtles towards Earth with nothing to stop it, one determined teacher fights to keep her former students safe — no matter the cost.
Meteor 2009
Following an unparalleled series of meteor fireballs plummeting toward Earth, a renowned scientist, his assistant, and an on-target conspiracy theorist race against time to expose a government cover-up, reveal the truth, and prevent a massive meteor from destroying the planet.
Agent Z and the Penguin from Mars 1996
Agent Z And The Penguin From Mars was a 1996 Children's BBC sitcom, based on the book of the same name by Mark Haddon. The six episode series followed the exploits of Ben Simpson, played by Duncan Barton, and his friends Barney, played by Andrew McKay, and Jenks, played by Reggie Yates, who together formed the "Crane Grove Gang", named after the street where they lived. This was a society dedicated to playing ingenious practical jokes in an initiative called "Agent Z".
Life from Space 2021
In this two-part series, we take a look at the monumental discoveries underway, specifically surrounding black holes and meteorites. Black holes have been revealed as one of the foundations for the basic conditions of life. Through black holes, life is possible in an infinite number of places in space. We also follow how meteorites brought the basic substances of life to our planet, allowing for its creation. The films describe the latest findings concerning cosmic events in relation to the origin of life, providing a grandiose perspective of what makes life possible.