Хронікі Нарніі: Леў, вядзьмарка і гардэроб

Хронікі Нарніі: Леў, вядзьмарка і гардэроб 2005


Падчас другой сусветнай вайны чацьвярых дзяцей эвакуююць у глыб Англіі. Яны пасяляюцца ў доме старога прафесара. Малодшая з дзяцей, Люсі, падчас гульні ў хованкі знаходзіць у шафе-гардэробе праход у чароўную краіну — Нарнію. Там ужо 100 год зіма, якую начаравала Белая Вядзьмарка. Ці здолеюць дзеці разбіць злыя чары і стаць каралямі і каралевамі Нарні?


Yellowstone: Wildest Winter to Blazing Summer

Yellowstone: Wildest Winter to Blazing Summer 2017


Yellowstone is one of the most remarkable places on the planet. It’s home to North America’s most iconic wildlife, including grizzly bears, wolves, great grey owls, beavers and bison. Every year they must survive extreme weather as the thaw transforms this mountain wilderness from freezer to furnace.



Cucumber 1974


Children's Underground Club of United Moose and Beaver for Enthusiastic Reporters or Cucumber, was a TV show produced by TVOntario in the 1970s, and repeated in the 1980s during TVOntario's daytime kids' programming. The show featured a human-sized moose and beaver often reporting from a treehouse. By sending in a story or some artwork to the show, one could become a member of the Cucumber Club. Some notable people appeared on the show: ⁕A young John Candy guest starred as a character named Weatherman ⁕A young Martin Short guest starred as a character named Smokey the Hare ⁕An interview featured a nine-year-old Jeff Healey.