Jack Hunter II Blamed 2 Cursed-In Amityville Leprechaun Amityville Ride-Share Blamed PT: Urban Legend Paranoia Tapes X: The Night Stalker Case Investigation Paranoia Tapes 11: Genesis Paranoia Tapes TWELVE Amityville Ride-Share Amityville Ride-Share Amityville Leprechaun Amityville Leprechaun Amityville Leprechaun Amityville Leprechaun Amityville Leprechaun Castigation Horror Nights Paranoia Tapes 7: Felts Field Paranoia Tapes 7: Felts Field Horror Nights The Devil's Children Amityville Ride-Share Amityville Ride-Share Amityville Ride-Share Amityville Ride-Share Amityville Ride-Share Blamed Blamed Blamed Blamed PT: Urban Legend PT: Urban Legend PT: Urban Legend PT: Urban Legend PT: Urban Legend PT: Urban Legend PT: Urban Legend Paranoia Tapes X: The Night Stalker Case Investigation Paranoia Tapes: Contradiction Paranoia Tapes: Contradiction Paranoia Tapes X: The Night Stalker Case Investigation Paranoia Tapes: Contradiction Paranoia Tapes: Contradiction Paranoia Tapes X: The Night Stalker Case Investigation Paranoia Tapes: Contradiction Blamed 2 Cursed-In Blamed 2 Cursed-In Blamed 2 Cursed-In Paranoia Tapes TWELVE Paranoia Tapes TWELVE Paranoia Tapes TWELVE Paranoia Tapes TWELVE Paranoia Tapes TWELVE