The Reader

The Reader 2008


قصة مايكل بيرج ، المحامي الألماني الذي كان ، في سن المراهقة في أواخر الخمسينيات من القرن الماضي ، على علاقة مع امرأة أكبر سنًا ، حنا ، والتي اختفت بعد ذلك لتظهر مرة أخرى بعد سنوات كأحد المتهمين في محاكمة جرائم الحرب التي انبثقت عنها تصرفات كحارس معسكر اعتقال في وقت متأخر من الحرب. هو وحده الذي يدرك أن حنا أمية وربما تخفي هذه الحقيقة على حساب حريتها.


Little America

Little America 2021


In a small area of West Germany, the American military presence opened up a new world in the early 1950s and paved the way for individual freedom, freedom of movement and capitalism in Germany. In this time of upheaval, two friends are looking for their place and have to fight time and again with the 'old order', the conservative forces from politics, church and society. Confronted with the seductions of the new world, the two dissimilar women make an opposing development that puts their intimate friendship to a severe test ...


Fatal News

Fatal News 2016


West Germany, 1987. The politician Uwe Barschel (1944-87), member of the Christian Democratic Union party and Minister-President of the Schleswig-Holstein region, is found dead in very sinister circumstances. Reporter David Burger pledges to find the truth behind one of the most important political scandals in German history, investigating countless speculations and conspiracy theories as he fights his own personal demons.