المرأة الملك

المرأة الملك 2022


قصة Agojie، الوحدة النسائية بالكامل من المحاربين الذين قاموا بحماية مملكة داهومي الأفريقية في القرن التاسع عشر بمهارات وشراسة لا تشبه أي شيء رآه العالم على الإطلاق، والجنرال نانيسكا وهي تدرب الجيل القادم من المجندين وتجهزهم للمعركة ضد عدو مصمم على تدمير أسلوب حياتهم.


After the Wedding

After the Wedding 2019


سعيًا للحصول على أموال لدار أيتامها في الهند ، تسافر إيزابيل إلى نيويورك لمقابلة تيريزا ، وهي متبرعة غنية. تشعل دعوة لحضور حفل زفاف سلسلة من الأحداث التي يصطدم فيها الماضي بالحاضر بينما تتكشف الألغاز.


Hi Bye, Mama!

Hi Bye, Mama! 2020


The story of a mother who died and begins a 49-day long project of reincarnation, and a husband who has barely begun to live a new life after overcoming the pain of losing his wife. Jo Kang Hwa is a skilled thoracic surgeon. After losing his wife four years ago, he had been working as a single father until he got married again two years ago. While he seems like a caring person, he does not offer a hand nor intervene when needed.


Hello Dracula

Hello Dracula 2020


Three neighbors face problems they want to avoid, but they grow facing their dilemmas. Anna lives with her mother and lives her life following her mother's wishes, but she has a secret she can't tell anyone. Yoo Ra and her family need to leave their neighborhood due to a reurbanization project in the area where they live. Seo Yeon is the vocalist of an indie band. She's very superstitious, and she can't get over her ex-boyfriend, who broke up with her a year ago.